
underway adj.1.【航海】在航行中的。2.在旅途[行進]中(發...


Cooperation between china unicom and other banks is underway 中國聯通和其他銀行的合作正在進行中。

Investigations by district crime squad of yuen long are underway 元朗警區重案組現仍跟進調查案件。

To recover the grail is currently underway 行動已經展開了。

The process of analyzing the remaining positions is underway 其馀的職務分析的步驟現在正在進行中。

Consultations are now underway at the u . n 聯合國安理會正在討論由英國,法國,德國提出的處罰草案。

At the turn of the century , a sublime mission is underway . . 世紀交替崇高使命,互動于天上人間。

Development of poultry slaughtering and processing plant underway 政府將籌劃設立家禽屠宰及加工廠

Now , the semifinals of the track and field events are underway 現在,田徑項目的半決賽正在進行。

It ' s 2027 , and manned space explorations are finally underway 2027年人類載人太空探險終于啟動。

Former chairman s trial gets underway 審訊前主席審訊正式展開。

Planning for the 2008 buckeye classic is underway 為2008七葉樹之類經典著作計劃是在進行之中的!

Study on electronic services delivery for works projects underway 工務局研究公共工程服務電子化

The ifa consumer electronics fair is getting underway in berlin 公平的消費電子正在柏林進行。

There ' s a big investigation underway 在我們局設置了臨時搜查本部

Evidence that marriage arrangements are underway 結婚事項安排證明

Now , the semifinal of the track and field event is underway 現在,田徑項目的半決賽正在進行。

Where it might prejudice an investigation currently underway 將會對現時進行的調查構成損害;

Further research is underway , the drugmaker says 據該藥物制造商介紹,進一步的研究正在進行。

A careful , thorough analysis of the data is underway 仔細和徹底地分析數據的工作正在進行中。