
understate vt.打著折扣說,有意識地輕描淡寫;少報(損失等),少說...


The u . s . in the past has accused china of understating its true military spend , with some analysts saying that china spends closer to $ 90 billion a year 美國過去一直在指責中國將他真實的軍費開支故意說小,一些分析認為中國實際的開支將近900億人民幣一年。

Two sole owners understating rental income by making false statements in their respective tax returns , contrary to section 82 ( 1 ) ( b ) of the inland revenue ordinance 兩名全權業主在各自的報稅表作出虛假陳述,短報租金收入,觸犯《稅務條例》第82 ( 1 ) ( b )條。

Partners signing fraudulent tax returns understating the business profits by scaling down its income and expenses , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance 合人簽署虛假報稅表,調低業務收入及支出,因而短報利潤,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 d條。

But statistics understate the full impact of zurich ' s program , which has revolutionized the way consumers shop and the way megastores do business 但是統計數字低估了蘇黎世的垃圾回收制度的深遠影響?這套制度徹底革新了消費者購物和大商家做生意的習慣。

Joint - owners understating rental income by making false statements in the property tax returns , contrary to section 82 and of the inland revenue ordinance 兩名聯權業主在物業稅報稅表作出虛假陳述,短報租金收入,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 b及g條。

Joint - owners understating rental incomes by making false statements in the property tax returns , contrary to section 82 and of the inland revenue ordinance 兩名聯權業主在物業稅報稅表作出虛假陳述,短報租金收入,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 b及g條。

Two sole owners understating rental income by making false statements in their respective tax returns , contrary to section 82 of the inland revenue ordinance 兩名全權業主在各自的報稅表作出虛假陳述,短報租金收入,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 b條。

Ballantines 21 years old is regarded by many as the ultimate in supreme premium scotch whisky - an understated , classic gift offering 在蘇格蘭高級威士忌品牌中,百齡壇21年被視為其中的極品,它蜜糖般的香甜及入口時的香郁醇和,令人回味無窮。

The defendants had understated the assessable value of the property by 5 , 081 , 900 in the property tax return for the five years of assessment 首被告及次被告在上述五個課稅年度的物業稅報稅表內少報了該物業的應評稅值總數為5 , 081 , 900元。

Animal studies might have overstated efficacy , or clinical trials might have understated efficacy ; in either case we need to better understand the reasons for failure 動物研究可能高估了藥物療效,而臨床實驗可能低估了療效。

Elegant and graceful , the art nouveau interior showcases original designs featuring the disney characters with an understated , artistic touch 從帶有藝術革新派色彩的室內設計就知道,這間精品時裝店出售的商品絕對時髦精美。

But these small holdings could understate their influence , which may be exercised indirectly , through friends , familiars or financial derivatives 其實小股東遠可以通過人際關系網和金融衍生工具來間接施加他們的影響。

Patients may overstate or understate their symptoms following a significant allergic reaction , making the diagnosis of anaphylaxis unclear 患者可能夸大或縮小因明顯過敏反應引起的癥狀,使速發型過敏反應診斷不明確。

They ' ll create too much of a contrast with the understated pieces , and you risk appearing cartoonish with the whole mod look 因為艷麗的顏色與素凈的衣服搭配起來會顯得太扎眼,弄不好就會讓你的一身打扮看起來很卡通。

A businessman understated the profits by inflating the amount of purchases , contrary to section 82 and 82 of inland revenue ordinance 公司東主夸大購貨支出,因而短報利潤,觸犯稅務條例第82 1 d條及第82 1 g條。

Investigation by the inland revenue department revealed that the couple had understated , in their tax returns , nearly half of their rental income 稅務局經調查發現,兩名被告在各自的報稅表內少報近一半的租金收入。

In the second case , a suspended sentence of 6 months was imposed on the two joint property owners convicted of understating rental income 第二宗涉及漏報租金收入,兩名聯名業主被判監禁六個月緩刑兩年。

But i also do not wish to understate the complexity of the matter when considered in the context of wto negotiations 不過,我希望大家不要低估了問題的復雜性,因為與世貿談判一并來看時,問題絕不簡單。

Most analysts believe the published budget is understated ? in which case , why trumpet such a big number 多數分析家認為公布的預算數字被故意壓低了? ?是什么原因,究竟為何要宣布這樣大的一個數字?