
undershoot vt.(-shot )1.(發射炮彈、射箭等)因角度太低...


What is more , the paper analyzes vs undershoot and gives some effective countermeasures . in software design , first the paper discusses the integrated software development environment for texa instrument ' s tms320c2xx dsp , which is characterized by common object file format and run - time environment 該方法以集成開發環境中的公共目標文件格式coff ( commonobjectfileformat )和運行環境( run - timeenvironment )為特色,是嵌入式系統軟件開發方法的一次有益嘗試。

At the same time , the continuous differential van albada limiter is used to overcome the spurious non - monotonicity ( wiggles or over and undershoots ) . 4 . some time stepping schemes , explicit four stages modified runge - kutta scheme , implicit lu - sgs and 2 - order accuracy lu - sgs - ts schemes , are used to solve 3 - dimensional compressible n - s equations 4 .采用改進的顯式四步runge一kutta格式、隱式lu一sgs格式以及具有二階時間精度的lu一sgs一tts格式,數值求解三維非定常可壓縮n一s方程組。

The schottky diodes prevent undershoot signals from dropping below a specified level , reducing the possibility of damage to connected devices by large undershoots that can occur without the schottky diodes 肖特基二極管防止負過沖信號跌進規定的電平以下,減少接在沒有肖特基二極管時過大的負過沖電壓的器件所可能造成的損害。

Computer control system incepts two video signals , real - time disposes video , obtains undershoot values and relative distortion of vessel by combining two measurement results 計算機控制系統接收兩組光電自準直平行光管的視頻信號,進行實時圖像處理,得出動態脫靶量,并對兩路圖像的測量結果進行疊加得出艦艇的相對變形量。

So it ' s necessary to set up a image processing system to handle the high - speed digital signals , it ' s used to acquire the beaconing light and compute it ' s undershot signal 因此必須建立一個能夠處理高速數字信號的圖像處理系統,來捕獲信標光并計算出信標光在面陣中的脫靶量,以滿足實時控制系統的需求。

The system has been debugged with the controlling system , the experiments demonstrate that the system can distill the undershoot signal on real time , meeting the request of the controlling system 和粗跟蹤控制系統進行了聯合調試,實驗證明,該系統能夠實時地提取脫靶量信號,滿足控制系統的需求。

Flexible gain control switching speed loop pi proportional - integral control and p proportional control switching can suppress overshoot and undershoot while motor speeds up or down 速度回路pi比例積分控制與p比例控制切換,抑制馬達加減速時overshoot與undershoot現象

The rational transient process is set by the improving td based on the classical pid controller , which effectively reduces undershoot of non - minimum phase system 使之用于功率設定值變化的水輪發電機組有功功率控制中,仿真結果表明了該方法的有效性。

Undershoot undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load 下超調下超調指電壓調整器或控制器在應對負荷變化時,電壓或頻率低于額定的量。

The parallel termination can effectively suppress overshoot and undershoot that makes the signal swing less and the system noise tolerance larger 戴維南并行端接可以有效地抑制過沖和欠沖,使得信號的擺幅縮小,增強了系統的噪聲容限。

Faults to be penalized are : dudley nose , light or pink eyes , tail too long or badly carried , undershot or overshot mouths 不合格的為:異色鼻子,淺色或粉色眼睛,長尾或尾跟位置不對,嘴過短或嘴過長。

Schottky diodes are incorporated in inputs and outputs to clamp undershoot ( see figure 16 ) 肖特基二極管一起對輸入和輸出負過沖進行箝位(參見圖16 ) 。

Overshot more than 3 / 16 inch and undershot more than 1 / 8 inch are disqualifications 上超咬合超過3 / 16英寸和下超咬合超過1 / 8英寸要被取消比賽資格。

Undershot water wheel 下沖式水輪

Undershooting error propagation in two kinds of displacement - control modes 兩種位移控制模式下的下沖誤差傳播

Is it level , over or undershot 還是上超咬合或下超咬合