underprivileged n.〔the underprivileged〕 〔總稱〕...
n. 〔the underprivileged〕 〔總稱〕部分基本權利被剝奪的階層;〔委婉語〕社會地位低下的階層。 adj. 享受不到正當權利的;貧困的;社會地位低下的,在社會下層的。 “underprivileged children“ 中文翻譯: 貧困兒童“underprivileged class“ 中文翻譯: 權利受剝奪的階層;下層社會;貧苦大眾“underprivileged country“ 中文翻譯: 貧困國家“underprivileged group“ 中文翻譯: 貧困階層“underprivileged youngster“ 中文翻譯: 物質條件很差的年輕人“poor and lowly underprivileged“ 中文翻譯: 處于社會底層的; 貧賤的; 弱勢的“underpriming“ 中文翻譯: 起動注油不足; 注油不足“underpricing“ 中文翻譯: 抑價“underpriced“ 中文翻譯: 作價低估“underprice“ 中文翻譯: vt. 1.將…的定價低于貨物的實際價值。 2.削價競售。 “underpressured reservoir“ 中文翻譯: 欠壓儲集層
underproduction |
For example , they do not compensate for gross social inequality , and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances 例如,他們不補償社會的不平等,因而不告訴下層社會的青年在良好的環境中長大有怎樣的能力。 |
It is a registered charity which maintains the 27 . 5 - metrechinese sailing junk , huan , providing nautical training programmes for underprivileged and handicapped children 乘風航是一個注冊慈善機構,擁有一艘長27 . 5米的中國式帆船“歡“號,接載清貧和傷殘青少年出海,為他們提供航海訓練。 |
Wu was originally a pauper in the qing dynasty , who despite of all odds and twenty years of hard lobbying , founded a free school for the underprivileged 武訓自始便相信教育是唯一令人脫貧的方法,決心開辦義學。武訓幾經艱辛,四處向人乞求善款,經過了廿多年的歲月,義學終于落成。 |
The tour de force includes “ great land “ , “ glory days “ , “ boundless horizons “ and of course “ amani “ , a moving song written after visiting the underprivileged in africa 代表作有《大地》 、 《光輝歲月》 、 《海闊天空》等,當中以探訪非洲貧困地區后所作《 amani 》至為感動人心。 |
The narrative collection is full of compassion towards the underprivileged people and calls for humanity by exposing death more than once 摘要《鄉村的夜》一次次把死亡凸現出來,飽含著對下層人的深切同情和對人性的呼喚;而具體描摹的人物命運又給人一種悲劇性的震撼。 |
Among those supporting an increase in functional constituencies , the following new constituencies were suggested : youths , women , middle class and underprivileged groups 贊成增加功能界別的嘉賓當中,建議考慮增加議席代表婦女、青年、中產人士、或者是弱勢社群。 |
All the while , brother li worked with a spirit of empathy , doing all he could to help the underprivileged develop self - reliance , dignity and confidence 李師兄秉著人溺己溺的精神,期望能盡自己棉薄之力,協助各國貧困的人民自力更生,過著有尊嚴有自信的生活。 |
Significantly , most of these households consist of underprivileged or elderly citizens living alone . so the supply of briquettes was a precious gift for the residents 特別是當地住戶大多數為獨居老人或窮人,因此供應煤球對這些居民而言,弭足珍貴。 |
More than 1 , 200 computers have been donated to the underprivileged by some 50 government bureauxdepartments with a view to narrowing the digital divide 約5 0個政府決策局和部門捐出超過1 , 2 0 0部電腦供弱勢社群使用,協力打破數碼隔膜。 |
The objectives are biased to economic growth , efficiency and competitiveness . the planning needs of the underprivileged social groups should also be assessed 現時的目標偏重于經濟增長、效益及競爭力,宜納入對社會弱勢社群需要的評估。 |
She fought for women ' s rights , crusaded for the causes of workers , promoted equality for minorities , and championed the underprivileged and the oppressed 她為女權而戰、投身工人事業、促進弱勢團體平等權利、支持受苦和受壓迫的人。 |
The staff and distributors of amway korea collaborated to support and improve the lives of underprivileged children at the sos children village 韓國安利的職員聯同直銷商攜手支持當地的sos兒童村,幫助貧苦的孤兒,為他們改善生活。 |
Most of the money raised will go to unicef to help in its projects to improve the lives of underprivileged children around the world 大部分善款將用以資助聯合國兒童基金會在世界各地推行的計劃,以改善當地弱勢兒童社群的生活。 |
A participant suggested that certain subsectors should be added , including those for underprivileged groups , such as the elderly and mutual aid committees 有嘉賓建議增加界別分組,包括一些弱勢社群,例如長者和互助委員會。 |
Concern for the underprivileged life in hong kong is full of stress and we are not used to demonstrating our concern for others verbally 香港生活緊張,大家不善于將關懷掛在口邊,可是一旦有事,愿加以援手的人,比比皆是。 |
Nowadays , our support system for underprivileged students exists the drawback generally , which is material support unhook psychic support 摘要目前,我國高校的扶困助學體系普遍存在物質資助與精神資助脫鉤的弊端。 |
Tvb has used innovative television programme formats in its efforts to raise funds for the underprivileged 電視往往推陳出新,設計出新穎而又吸引的節目,以求籌得更多善款為社會上有需要的人士提供援助。 |
Cathay pacific has also donated ayo concert tickets to local community groups for the underprivileged children to take part in the concert 國泰航空亦捐贈音樂會門券予本地弱勢社群的兒童出席音樂會。 |
“ at that time , consumers were an underprivileged group , and their legal rights were almost completely ignored , “ chiang says 在那個時候,消費者為弱勢族群,他們在法律上的合法權益,幾乎完全被忽視。 |