
undergrad n.,adj.〔口語〕 = undergraduate.


Especially in the medium - late period of water - injection development oil field , the content of water of production in oil well is more and more high , so knowing exactly the situation of the undergrad oil - gas - water bed is very necessary 特別是在油田注水開發中后期,油井產液中的水含量越來越高,因此極需準確了解地下油氣層中的情況。

As a special group , the professional knowledge and status of moral of the undergrad will directly determine our country ' s modernization , even the future of our nation 大學生作為一個特殊群體,在未來的祖國建設中將會發揮獨特的作用,他們的專業水平,他們的思想道德素質狀況,將直接決定中國現代化建設的進程甚至祖國的前途和命運。

Whitman - a princeton undergrad who received her mba from harvard business school in 1979 - differs starkly from silicon valley peers with engineering backgrounds 惠特曼,一位于1979年獲得了哈佛商學院工商管理碩士學位的普林斯頓大學畢業生,不像硅谷的其他同仁都具有工程背景。

Because there appeared to be much interest in the advice i offered undergrads in a previous post , let me provide the same service for graduate students in economics 我在前一篇帖子里給本科生提了建議,這個帖子受到了不少關注,于是我也想給學經濟學的研究生提一些建議。

Because there appeared to be much interest in the advice i offered undergrads in a previous post , let me provide the same service for graduate students in economics 因為大家對我提供給大學生的建議表現出巨大的興趣,所以我也為經濟學研究生提供同樣的服務。

In the fall of 2001 , i became an undergrad at northeastern university in boston , studying linguistics and computer science . i will be graduating ( hopefully ) in the spring of 2006 九七年回歸后的夏天,十四歲的我,來到了美國波士頓的一所寄宿學校。

Krugman , paul r . “ what do undergrads need to know about trade ? “ american economic review 83 , no . 2 ( may 1993 ) : 23 - 26 關于貿易有哪些是大學生需要知道的事? 《美國經濟評論》 ,第八十三卷第二期( 1993年5月) ,頁23至26 。

At that time , these large companies and business enterprises targeted undergrad students as their main source of talents 而當時這些大公司和大企業對人才的需求以本科生為主。

K - 12 introductions , university undergrad and graduate courses , publications , data , research and software -含新聞動態專業數據庫文獻與服務航空期刊情報研究。

For undergrads and m . eng . students , a group project accounts for 50 % of the class grade 對于本科生與工程學碩士生,團隊設計將占到該科成績的50 % 。

The exploration of the teaching reform on internal medicine medicine during nurse ' s undergrad uate training 護理專升本內科護理學教學改革的探討

Each fellow in a college is tutor in his own subject to the undergrad who are studying it 每一個大學研究員便是學習其專業的本科生的導師。

She ' s not trying to take a poke at my being an undergrad , is she 她這樣一個姿態,不是明顯看扁我這個本科生嗎,啊

Open to undergrads , graduate students , and working professionals -英語國家留學與簽證咨詢申請材料創作。

I went to buffalo state . undergrad 我大學在布法羅州立大學

I took you intro of european lit 15 years ago as an undergrad 在15年前我讀本科的時候上過你的課

Is an undergrad at the university of maryland , college park 是maryland大學park學院的一名大學生。

Scored off the charts in your undergrad psych profile test 在大學的心理能力測驗中表現優異

I read this as an undergrad . i like it 我在念本科的時候看過.我滿喜歡的