
underemployed adj.1.未充分就業的〔尤指非全日性雇傭,以致生活水準...


Many expect the new super - casino to go either to blackpool ( the clear favourite of punters on betfair , a betting exchange ) or to greenwich , a london borough which has a tenuous claim to being especially needy but is home to the embarrassingly underemployed millennium dome ( now known as the o2 ) 許多人認為,新的超級賭場不是花落不萊克浦(很顯然,它是“賭事”賽馬交易所賭徒的最愛) ,就會是倫敦格林威治自治區的盤中餐,盡管格林威治聲稱賭場是自己迫切需要,但這一點很令人懷疑,因為至今尚未投入營運的千年穹頂(現在人稱o2 )就在該區的地盤上,真是尷尬的很。

And the public , which for years dismissed the underemployed “ lost generation “ as lazy kids who would grow up one day , is now starting to worry that they will become a permanent underemployed and unmarried burden on society 民眾多年來斥未充分就業的失落的一代是懶惰小子,他們有朝一日會長大,他們現在開始擔心,他們會永遠低度就業又不結婚,成為社會負擔。

For china to sustain its impressive growth rate and reduce inequalities , getting the many tens of millions of underemployed peasants off the land and into wealth - creating jobs is essential 對中國而言,為了維持令人印象深刻的增長率和減少不公平,使上千萬未能充分就業的農民離開土地進入能增加財富的崗位是必要的。

Married mothers who also hold jobs , despite having to juggle career and home , enjoy better health than their underemployed or childless peers 那些婚后仍然工作的母親,盡管不得不在事業和家庭之間努力維持平衡,但她們卻比那些不工作的和沒有孩子的同齡女性更健康。

But many feer studies of the yuan focus only on trade and assume that china is close to internal balance ? despite its vast pool of underemployed rural workers 不過眾多feer研究都只關注貿易方面,并且假定中國接近內部平衡? ?盡管有著大量未就業的農村工人。

Example : because of the depressed economy , many talented but underemployed college graduates are working as delivery person and laborers 由于經濟低迷,很多富有才華的大學畢業生學非所用,從事送貨或者其他體力工作。

If they could sell their land , tens of millions of underemployed farmers might find productive work 假如他們能夠出售自己的土地,數以千萬未充分就業的農民可能會找到生產性的工作。

Once dismissed as lazy youth , japan ' s army of the underemployed are starting to demand more work 一度被斥為懶惰的年輕人,日本這支未充分就業的大軍開始要求更多工作。