
underbrush n.(樹林內的)下層林叢,矮樹叢,亂叢棵子。


But he leaped across the plashy places , thrust himself through the clinging underbrush , climbed the ascent , plunged into the hollow , and overcame , in short , all the difficulties of the track , with an unweariable activity that astonished him 但他跨越了積水的坑洼,穿過了絆腿的灌木,爬上了高坡,步入了低谷,總而言之,以他自己都不解的不知疲倦的活力,克服了路上的一切障礙。

Its water , at some short distance within the forest , but soon lost all traces of it amid the bewilderment of tree - trunks and underbrush , and here and there a huge rock covered over with grey lichens 她們放眼沿河道望去,可以看見在林中不遠的地方水面粼粼的反光,但沒多久,就在盤錯的樹干和灌木中失去了蹤跡,而不時為一些長滿灰色地衣的巨石遮住視線。

They tramped gayly along , over decaying logs , through tangled underbrush , among solemn monarchs of the forest , hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape - vines 他們信步走去,一路跨朽木,涉雜林,穿過高大的樹木林,這些大樹披垂著一根根葡萄藤,好像王冠上垂下來的流蘇。

These fires , set by lightning , were an important part of the forest ecosystem because they cleared out underbrush , making more room for large trees to grow and renewing the ecology 這些大火因閃電而起,對森林的生態環境影響很大,因為大火燒掉了灌木叢后給大樹更多生長空間,而令生態生生不息。

This dark plum - colored , soft , fruit - driven wine offers up notes of earth , underbrush , jammy black cherries , and iron 此款美酒呈現深李子色,入口柔順,豐富的果味中蘊含了泥土和黑櫻桃的芳香。

The shot of aayla secura marching through the underbrush was actually a few seconds longer 艾娜?塞庫拉在矮樹叢中穿行的鏡頭實際上也有幾秒鐘刪節。

Only someone knowing the terrain intimately could have picked his way through all that underbrush 只有熟知這一帶地勢的人才能擇路穿行那片矮樹林。

Only someone knowing the terrain intimately could have picked his way through all that underbrush 只有熟知這一帶地勢的人才能擇路穿行那片樹叢。

Bear with me while i cover the preliminary ground and while i clear out some underbrush 請大家先耐心地聽我介紹一些基本情況并剔除一些雜論。

There is still underbrush in the desert 沙漠中仍有叢林。

They tried to clear a path through the underbrush 他們試圖從灌木叢中開辟出一條小路。

The spanish oaks were hung with patches of wine red, the sumach was brilliant in the darkening underbrush . 西班牙櫟樹顯出斑駁的葡萄酒紅色,漆樹在逐漸暗淡下去的矮樹叢中閃閃發亮。

Once or twice he saw the flare of a match through the underbrush where some of the men were lying in wait . 有一二次他看到矮樹叢中火柴一亮,那里埋伏幾個人。

Inconspicuously, i edged along the baseball field, then slipped into underbrush . 我躲躲閃閃地沿著棒球場的邊緣向前走,隨后又消消地溜進了灌木叢。

Speckled quails rustled in the underbrush . 鵪鶉在矮樹叢里沙沙作響。