
under 短語和例子under the law 根據法律。 und...


She pushed all her hair under a headscarf . 她把頭發用頭巾罩住。

The attack was made under favour of night . 進攻是在黑夜的掩護下進行的。

He was more or less under her spell . 他又或多或少地被她迷住了。

Every eye sank under his gaze . 他一瞪眼,每個人都把眼睛垂下了。

The house adjacent to ours is under repairs . 與我家相鄰的房子正在修繕。

Just sit tight. you'll get out from under . 耐心等待吧,你會擺脫困境的。

She bought the overcoat under the table . 她偷偷地買了這件大衣。

He was breaking up under the strain . 他勞累過度,身體逐漸衰弱。

Prince aribert whispered under his breath . 阿里伯特親王低聲說。

Rigoletto was footed under the blue sky . 人們在藍天下跳起了里戈萊托舞。

England under george ii was prosperous . 喬治二世統治下的英國繁榮昌盛。

She is under thirty , i should think . 我想她還不到三十(歲)。

He should not sit down under these accusations . 他不應該忍受這些指責。

She crept in beside him under the bedclothes . 她鉆進被窩,躺在他身旁。

The troops kept the field under heavy fire . 部隊冒著槍林彈雨堅守陣地。

The firemen managed to keep the fire under . 火勢總算被救火員控制住了。

He stole the stuff from under my very eyes . 他當著我的面偷走的。

He's under the boot as much as you . 他和你一樣,也得聽別人吆喝。

Under the genetic plan, organs develop . 器官的發育依據遺傳圖式而進行。