
undemocratic adj.不[非]民主的。


If they could not be done easily , the government might ban the polls altogether . in open but undemocratic societies like hong kong , it is vitally important for the media and pollsters to introduce the international standards to their societies , and then adhere to them 不過,長遠而言,一個非由民選產生的政府,由于沒有得到人民的授權,往往不惜以種種手段操控民意調查玩弄數據和扭曲民意,以表示其實際上得到群眾的支持。

? he rbts are undemocratic , teacher and student ' s personality are unequal , ( 2 ) in the course of communication between teacher and students , there is lacking of feeling communication . ( 3 ) in school education , the student ' s pe 個性品質是概括化了的個性特征的總和,是一個人區別于另一個人的個性心理的本質特征,是個性心理成份的綜合表現,是個性心理的高度整合的結晶。

They demonstrate how an undemocratic government could manipulate opinion statistics to show that they have the people s support , when in fact it does not 兩次諮詢雖然事隔16年,但卻同樣顯示一個非民選產生的政府,如何透過扭曲民意來證明其得民心。

Many carried signs and denounced the overthrow as undemocratic 很多人帶著標語并指責這種政變。

Many of the old masters were overrated and that “their nauseous adulation of princely patrons“ was undemocratic . 人們把許多古代大畫家評價過高,他們“對于提倡藝術的王公大人諂媚得令人作嘔”,實在不大民主。