
undefended adj.1.未設防的。2.無充分論據[理由]的。3.無人...


But too many americans would be left undefended or underdefended , and too many militias and insurance companies would devote so much money and manpower to cost - shifting battles that they would lack sufficient funds to extend coverage or maintain existing coverage at an affordable level 但是將會有太多的美國公民處于沒有恰當的防衛或者毫無防衛的狀態,而大多數雇傭軍團和保險公司將會把大量人力和財力投入到保險額的風險轉移*當中,而沒有余力擴大其保險范圍或是將現有的保險維持在一個比較合理的價格范圍內。

Around 1 : 30pm , the crowd surged into the undefended outer courtyard . about this time gunfire began , though which side actually fired first will never be conclusively decided 下午1 : 30分左右,人群涌入到沒有設防的外院。大約就在這時,開始交火,不過,對于到底是哪方先行開火是永遠都不會有定論了。

The u . s . ( border ) boarder with canada , ( 6 , 400 ) 60 , 000 kilometers from ( the ) atlantic to the pacific oceans , has been decribed as the world ' s longest undefended international boundary 美國與加拿大的邊界長達6400英里,從大西洋一直延伸到太平洋,它是世界上最長的國際上不設防備的邊界。

The u . s . border with canada , 6 , 400 kilometers from the atlantic to the pacific oceans , has been described as the world ' s longest undefended international boundary 美國與加拿大的邊境,從大西洋到太平洋總長有6400公里,被稱之為世界上最長的無防備國際邊境。

The u . s . border with canada , 6 , 400 kilometers from the atlantic to the pacific oceans , has been described as the world ' s longest undefended international boundary 美國與加拿大接壤的邊界從大西洋至太平洋長達6 , 400公里,被描述為世界上最長的無設防的國界。

The u . s . border with canada , 6 , 400 kilometers from the atlantic to the pacific oceans , has been described as the world ' s longest undefended international boundary 從大西洋到太平洋,美國與加拿大那長達6400公里的國界被認為是世界上最長的無保護國界。

The u . s . border with canada , 6 , 400 kilometers from the atlantic to the pacific oceans , has been described as the world ' s longest undefended international boundary 美國與加拿大的邊界從大西洋到太平洋全長為6400公里,被認為是世界上最長的無設防國界。

Joseph remembered the dreams which he had about them , and said to them , “ you are spies ; you have come to look at the undefended parts of our land . 創42 : 9約瑟想起從前所作的那兩個夢、就對他們說、你們是奸細、來窺探這地的虛實。

Within two years the six carterets , roughly the size of 80 football pitches and just 1 . 5 metres high , will be uninhabited and undefended 兩年內,大約是80個足球場且只有1 . 5公尺高的6個卡特里特島,將會無法居住,也毫無防備。

Americans have a special relationship with canadians with whom they share the world ' s longest undefended border 美國人與加拿大人有一種特殊的關系。美加兩國的邊界是世界上最長的不設防邊界。

Even a perfect defense of many cities would simply lead to the targeting of an undefended city 即使許多城市都具有完善的防御措施,也只會讓未防御的城市變成目標而已。

To capture a heart unused to attack is like walking into an open , undefended city 贏得一顆沒有談過戀愛的心,這就等于進入一個沒有設防的城市。

Yet he said to them , “ no , but you have come to look at the undefended parts of our land ! 創42 : 12約瑟說、不然、你們必是窺探這地的虛實來的。

Rome is undefended 羅馬不設防了

Bombs and poison gas would rain down on undefended cities 炸彈毒氣彈紛紛投向那些沒有防御的城市。

The fictitious colonel no longer asserted that the island's north shore was undefended . 那位虛構的上校不再申述該島北岸沒有設防了。