
uncus n.(pl. unci ) 【解剖學】(昆蟲的)爪形突。


It includes the two parts : in the general part , taxonomic histry , matirals and methods , morphology , biology and economic importance of hesperiidae are introduced and reviewed . in taxonomic part , based on studies of the two tribes ' systematical researches , the founction of the male genitalia characaters in taxonomy are studied and discussed . the results are follows : 1 ) the length and shape of the saccus are important characters to divide hesperiinae into tribes . 2 ) uncus , socius and gnathos are major traits in infragenus classification 并以弄蝶亞科hesperiidae的2個族(腌翅弄蝶族astictopterini 、吉弄蝶族gegenini )的系統分類作為基礎,研究了弄蝶雄性外生殖器的特征囊形突saccus 、陽莖軛片juxta 、鉤突uncus 、背兜側突socius 、鍔突gnathos等在弄蝶亞科分族、分屬、分種中的作用;發現囊形突的長短和形狀可以作為亞科分族的重要依據,鉤突、背兜側突等特征則在分屬和分種時具有重要的作用。

Swelling of the left cerebral hemisphere has produced a shift with herniation of the uncus of the hippocampus through the tentorium , leading to the groove seen at the white arrow 左大腦半球腫脹通過小腦幕形成海馬鉤回疝和正中線偏移,從而出現此處白色箭頭所示的溝。