
uncritical adj.1.無批判力的;批評不當的。2.不加批判的;不加...


Across much of russia most people get their national news only from television , and russian television ' s political coverage dwells largely on the president and his ministers and is almost entirely uncritical 綜觀俄羅斯大部分地區,大多數人都只能從電視上獲悉他們國家的新聞,而俄羅斯電視臺的政治新聞報道大多集中在總統和其部長身上,并且對他們幾乎完全不加批判。

It would be nice to think that our schools and colleges are helping make students more aware of this , rather than joining in the uncritical , headlong rush toward an ill - defined and ill - thought - out high - tech future 想到我們的學校和學院正幫助學生更加意識到這一點,而不是不加批判地、一頭沖進模糊的、欠考慮的高科技未來,還是令人感到欣慰的。

However , if its your majestys command , said kutuzov , lifting his head and relapsing into his former affectation of the tone of a stupid , uncritical general , who obeys orders “但是,陛下,只要發出命令。 ”庫圖佐夫抬起頭來,說道,又把語調變成遲鈍的不很審慎的唯命是從的將軍原有的語調。

Uncritical transplantation or copying from the ancients and the foreigners is the most sterile and harmful dogmatism in literature and art 文學藝術中對于古人和外國人的毫無批判的硬搬和模仿,乃是最沒有出息的最害人的文學教條主義和藝術教條主義。

It took all the hope and uncritical good - nature of the audience to keep from manifesting pity by that unrest which is the agony of failure 幸虧觀眾們懷著希望和善意,才沒有騷動不安,才沒有對令人難堪的演出失敗表示遺憾。

Contextualization of objects / collections vs . uncritical adoption of social tendencies and fashions remains a key issue 是否人們能摒棄社會趨勢和時尚來研究文物藏品的來龍去脈,仍舊是一個關鍵問題。

Sorrow in her was aroused by many a spectacle - an uncritical upwelling of grief for the weak and the helpless 許多東西會在她心里引起悲哀-那些弱者,那些凄苦無依的人,一概激起她的傷心。

The completely uncritical tv commentary in frame 1 continues throughout the cartoon 漫畫第一欄中對布什沒有一絲批判的電視評論一直貫穿于整個漫畫。

He was uncritical of his son ' s conduct 他對兒子的行為不加批判。

They offered a reasoned approach in place of the fanciful and uncritical accounts of the poets . 他們用合理化的解釋來代替詩人的想象和不加分析的傳說。

Even poor lenses and uncritical eyes can always seen something on the moon . 縱然用劣質透鏡和沒有鑒別力的眼睛也總能在月球上看到一些東西。

He was an ardent, though not uncritical patriot . 他是一位強烈的愛國者,雖然并非無懈可擊。

Both civilizations were on the whole uncritical . 這兩種文明總的說來都是缺乏批判精神的。

This was an uncritical survey . 這是一個不中肯的概括。