
uncountable adj.1.不可數的。2.數不清的;無法估量的。3.無數...


The invent of irrational numbers , calculus , and the found of non - geometry , the prove of fermat theorem . examples like this are uncountable in the history . with the help of it , people will understand better the real process of math creation , which was fixed in our textbook in form of principles , therefore , we can benefit a lot from our ancestors and be very confident of ourselves 無理量的發現、微積分和非歐幾何的創立,乃至費馬大定理的證明, … … ,這樣的例子在數學史上不勝枚舉,它們可以幫助人們了解數學創造的真實過程,而這種過程在通常的教科書中是以定理到定理的形式被包裝起來的。

With the development of network technology and object - oriented technology , the servers and uncountable clients of the whole world are connecting with each other . to adapt this change , current computer system need to be reformed so that it can meet the super large scale network environment which almost has no order 隨著網絡技術和面向對象技術的發展,全球的服務器和數千萬的用戶正在互相連接起來,這就要求當前的計算機體系發生變革以適應這一變化,從而滿足一個幾乎完全無序的超大規模的網絡環境。

National associations were formed and standardization of the rules began , both in europe and the far east . then , over the next sixty years , table tennis developed into a major worldwide sport , played by perhaps thirty million competitive players and by uncountable millions who play less seriously 那時也成立了很多國家的協會,同時在歐洲和遠東,比賽的規則也被設立。其后的六十年間,它發展成為一項世界著名的運動。其運動員能達到3千萬,另有無數人以休閑方式接觸乒乓。

The higher education department is a special unite of society . though it ca n ' t create direct treasure for the society , the students it trains , the science achievement and the famous degree of itself can bring uncountable treasure for society 高等教育部門作為社會的一個特殊的單元,雖然不能為社會創造直接的社會財富,但是其培養的學生、產出的科研成果以及自身在社會中的知明度,卻能為社會創造不可估量的價值規律。

Their enemies are virtually uncountable , and they range from humans who fight with raw intelligence , cunning and resources to monsters from deep in the earth that can tear apart tanks ? to an entire tribe of werewolves that has sided with the enemy 實際上他們的敵人無可計數,他們把人類分成愚笨的、狡猾的和有智慧的能驅使大地深處的能撕裂坦克的怪物? ?能使一整個狼人部族站在他們一邊的。

This more than 100 years old hotel is where twelve former u . s . presidents , the duke of windsor , and uncountable number of celebrities were accommodated , where thomas edison came in person to supervise the installation of lights 此酒店已有百年歷史,愛迪生曾親自監督該旅館照明設備之安裝,英國皇室之溫莎公爵亦曾下榻于此。此外曾有十二位美國總統蒞臨開會或渡假。

If a humanoid robot may get uncountable resources from a computer grid , the humanoid robot could obtain unbelievable abilities in computing , storage control , behavior and operation 摘要如果仿人形機器人對于網格上浩如煙海的各種資源唾手可得的話,那么仿人形機器人將會獲得超乎想象的計算能力、存儲能力、控制能力、行為能力、作業能力。

The design of french royal classic style holds uncountable pleasant art elements : abundant decorating , elaborating structure , and exquisite craft of doors and unique model of handles , which form a perfect match 在法國皇室經典設計的空間里,總有容納數不完的驚喜:層次豐富,結構緊湊,工藝精美的門板與造型獨特的拉手形成絕配。

The economical stacker crane opens up a new market quickly , and this is just one of the uncountable cases which witness zoomline ' s high competence to accommodate itself to changes in architectural construction 這種經濟型塔機迅速打開了一個新市場,類似這樣游刃有余地適應建筑施工變化的例子,在中聯數不勝數。

Of course , you initiated people are my closest disciples . otherwise , i have innumerable visible and invisible believers , uncountable ! of course , theres a difference between disciples and believers 師父的徒弟很多,你們印心的人當然是師父最接近的弟子,不然師父有很多有形無形的信徒,無邊無數,算不了啦!

Kyiv university is the chief university of ukraine . in its romantic and beautiful red mansion and yellow mansion , separated by a street , the university has nourished uncountable talents for the country 基輔市首屈一指的基輔大學中,浪漫美麗的紅樓與黃樓隔街對望,每年不知為烏克蘭造育了多少英才。

Uncountable fashion brands , and non - stop classic cuisines are showcased on beijing road , and the cuisines has surpassed the era of carrot and cattle livers 北京路除了有數不盡的時尚品牌外,還有嘗不完的經典美食,而這里的美食早已經超越了“蘿卜牛腩”的時代。

At the heart of the reclassification debate is the question whether government can be truly opened and uncountable , when it suppresses the pubic right to know 當政府限制公眾的知情權時,政府能否真正地公開,這個問題是關于重新分級的爭論的核心

The power of this master is truly great . i can see uncountable golden rays emitting from the photo , and in each golden ray there are innumerable saints . 不得了,這位師父的功力好大,法相周圍放射出數不盡的金光,金光里坐著數不盡的菩薩。

I carried out my plan because i felt the chief had some fear of those of my race , of those uncountable forebears whose culmination lies in me 我之所以這么做,是因為我覺得頭頭瞧不起我這個種族的人? ?瞧不起在我身上匯集的無數先輩。

To further consolidate the vocabulary of food , fruit and drink , as well as the difference between countable nouns & uncountable nouns 進一步復習,鞏固和學習有關食物,水果及飲料方面的詞匯,并能區分可數名詞與不可數名詞的不同。

It was uncountable times that the lovely girl walked up to his door with a letter that almost a friendship had sprouted between them 可愛的女孩拿著信來到他的門前,來的次數之多不可勝數,以至于他們之間萌發了一種友誼。

A great deal of specialists in economics and management have devoted themselves to this question and related the papers are uncountable 不能簡單地從企業所處的行業、企業組織形式和企業規模方面解釋這一問題。

Everyone experiences uncountable small things in his or her life time , some go by quietly 每個人的人生中,都會經歷無數小事,這些小事往往從我們身邊擦肩而過,飄然而去。