
unconvertible adj.不能改變的,難變換的;不能兌換[兌現]的。adv...


The foreign exchange system reform of 1994 set a milestone in the process of china ' s external reform . after this reform , official exchange rate and swap exchange rate was united , and managed floating exchange rate regime was introduced . rmb reached convertibility under current account , and china ' s foreign exchange system took the shape of “ rmb convertible under current account and unconvertible under capital account “ 中國也存在最優匯率制度選擇問題, 1994年中國實行了具有里程碑意義的外匯管理體制改革,實現了匯率并軌,建立了以市場供求為基礎的有管理的浮動匯率制度; 1996年人民幣實現了經常項目可兌換,由此中國形成了“人民幣經常項目可兌換,對資本項目進行管制”的外匯管理體制。