
unconcerned adj.1.漫不經心的,不關心的,冷淡的,滿不在乎的 (...


While china ' s individual investors appear unconcerned about financial problems overseas , chinese official media aimed a quiet dig at us and european difficulties 雖然中國的散戶投資者似乎不關心外國的金融問題,但中國官方媒體卻在悄悄分析歐美的困境。

For example , the business caller of the above method is unconcerned with the method s other characteristics , but is still subjected to the other concerns 例如,上述方法的業務調用者對該方法的其他特性并不感興趣,但是仍然要受其他關注點的影響。

He was just as unconcerned about money matters as before ; but now he unhesitatingly knew what he ought to do and what he ought not to do 他對金錢問題仍然像以前一樣漫不經心,但是他現在明顯地知道什么事情是應當做的和什么事情是不應當去做的。

He said the self sacrifice and charity shown here refutes the notion that people have grown selfish and unconcerned about their neighbors 他說,這里展現出來的自我犧牲精神和慈善行為以實際行動反駁了人們正越來越自私和不關心他人的觀點。

Amid screams from adoring fans , beckham , dressed in a black suit , appeared unconcerned with the crowd as he hastily made his way through to the awards 身著黑色西裝的貝克漢姆在粉絲的尖叫聲中快步走向領獎臺,對周圍的粉絲似乎毫不在意。

Nevertheless , it can be questioned as to whether resource importers will be entirely unconcerned about sustainability prospects of its trading partners 然而,值得質疑的是,資源進口商是否會全然不顧與貿易伙伴之間的持續發展的前景。

Second wave propagandists regularly picture them as na & iuml ; ve , unconcerned with dollar realities , and bedazzled by blue - sky technology 第二次浪潮宣傳者把他們描寫成天真,不關心美元現實情況,被一些價值極微技術沖昏頭腦人。

He said the self sacrifice and charity shown here refutes ( 反駁 ) the notion that people have grown selfish and unconcerned about their neighbors 他說他們的自我犧牲和奉獻精神駁斥了那種認為人們自私和不關注鄰人的觀念。

However , this does not imply that university students in singapore should be politically indifferent and be unconcerned about things around them 然而,這并不代表新加坡大學生就可以對政治冷漠,對周遭的事不聞不問。

He looked serenely and brightly at every one , as though calling upon them all to notice how unconcerned he was under fire 他雙目炯炯有神,打量著眾人,仿佛是請他們注意他在槍林彈雨之下不慌不亂,非常鎮靜。

Mme jules , with vacant , unconcerned eyes and an expression suggestive of a little elderly wooden doll , still kept circling round her 朱勒太太在她身邊忙得團團轉,神態像木偶小老太婆,眸子無神,卻很明亮。

I know you will do him such ample justice , that i am growing every moment more unconcerned and indifferent 你的感情豪爽造成了我的感情吝嗇;要是你再為他嘆惜,我就會輕松愉快得要飛起來了。 ”

Villarreal midfielder marcos senna is unconcerned that his proposed move to united still has not been finalised 比利亞雷亞爾的中場球員塞納對于仍在進行的轉會曼聯的談判表現出極大的耐心。

They are unaware of the implications of their illegal activities or unconcerned about the consequences of their actions 在資料外泄的網絡或電腦系統進行其他非法活動;以及

She looked much altered , as i have told you , and i could not detect on her lips her old unconcerned smile 我剛才已經跟您說過,她變了,嘴上已不再帶有那種滿不在乎的微笑。

I know you will do him such ample justice , that i am growing every moment more unconcerned and indifferent 我知道你會竭力幫他講話,因此我反而越來越不把它當一回事。

My secretary is very discreet . she never tells anyone unconcerned anything about the company ' s business 我的秘書很謹慎,她對公司的業務從不對任何無關的人談起。

“ i wasn ' t quite sure if you expected me “ , i said , trying to seem unconcerned “我不太清楚你是不是等著我來, ”我說,故意裝作一副若無其事的樣子。

“ i hear you were looking for me , “ ogilvie said . it was a flat statement , unconcerned “聽說你正在找我, ”奧格爾維沒精打采,態度冷漠地說。