
uncommunicative adj.不愛說話的,沉默寡言的,拘謹的。n.-ness


Cheuk was a team member of ptu team before being bodyguard , what was known was he liked drinking , whether this was the reason why he abandoned his old job , nobody knew . . . . suay hired him because of his uncommunicative thoughts but actually close ; this job seemed to be cheuk s only choice , as formerly using gun to protect others , did not have great difference . 卓未加入保鑣行列前,本為特擊隊隊員,只知他酗酒,但是否因此棄職,卻無人知,美麗請他的原因正是卓本身寡言卻心思細密卓選擇這份職業,也是無可選擇里的唯一選擇,同是用槍作本錢,不過以前是殺人,諷刺的現在是保護人

Feels inferior the student often likes a person living alone , uncommunicative , falls into reflects and likes what one sees , the self - seal region , they very easily question one - sided , only saw bad one side , is pessimistic , is disappointed , at this time the teacher wants to encourage the language enlightens him , comforts him , lets him see the question the other aspect is the best method 自卑的學生往往喜歡一個人獨處,沉默寡言,陷入顧影自憐、自我封閉的境地,他們很容易把問題片面化,只看到壞的一面,悲觀、失望,這時候教師要以鼓勵的語言開導他,安慰他,讓他看到問題的另一面是最佳方法。

Design that lacks ideas and depends entirely on form for its realization may process a certain kind of mysterious charm ; at the same time it may be uncommunicative 設計這個內容時如果缺少創意和完全依賴其模式來創作,就難以制作出某些神秘效果;同時也可能會導致觀眾和媒體難以實現溝通。

I believe , in fact , that most women would prefer a man to be gloomily uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat 也許男人天生就是彼此孤立的,孤獨是我們的自然狀態。即使成了朋友,也是無聲的友誼,這使得我們能彼此獨立地活著。

I believe , in fact , that most women would prefer a man to be glumly uncommunicative than to [ 1 ] spill his guts at the drop of a hat 我相信事實上大多數女人都寧愿男人郁郁寡歡不言不語,而不喜歡男人就像竹筒倒豆子,什么都說。

They tell us that we ' re remote and uncommunicative , that we need to demonstrate less machismo and more commitment , more humanity 她們常念叨和我們男人之間距離遙遠,無法溝通;還要求我們減少些男人氣,增添些承諾和仁慈。

I believe , in fact , that most women would prefer a man tobegloomily uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop ofahat 我相信事實上大多數女人都寧愿男人郁郁寡歡不言不語,而不喜歡男人就像竹筒倒豆子,什么都說。

Much psychiatric medicine is undramatic stuff , involving the prescription of drugs to uncommunicative patients 許多精神病醫學平淡無奇,包括給沉默寡言的患者開些處方藥。

Her uncle was a silent , uncommunicative yankee farmer 她伯父是一個沉默寡言的美國式農民。

Roger, uncommunicative by nature, said nothing . 羅杰天性沉默寡言,他一聲不吭。