
uncommitted adj.1.(犯罪等)未遂的。 2. 不承擔義務的,不受...


The new principal server rolls back any uncommitted transactions and brings its copy of the database online as the principal database 新的主體服務器回滾所有未提交的事務并使其數據庫副本作為主體數據庫在線。

The lowest isolation level , read uncommitted , may retrieve data that has been modified but not committed by other transactions 最低隔離級別(未提交讀)可以檢索其他事務已經修改、但未提交的數據。

The lowest isolation level , read uncommitted , can retrieve data that has been modified but not committed by other transactions 最低隔離級別(未提交讀)可能檢索到其他事務已修改但未提交的數據。

Undo uncommitted transactions , but save the undo actions in a standby file so that recovery effects can be reverted 撤消未提交的事務,但將撤消操作保存在備用文件中,以便能夠還原恢復結果。

For example , reading from a read - only look up table doesn t require repeatable read , and uncommitted read is sufficient 比如,讀取只讀的查找表不需要可重復讀級別,未提交讀級別就足夠了。

Oracle uses archived logs to roll forward to consistent state and undo table space to rollback any uncommitted data Oracle使用歸檔日志來前滾到一致狀態,并撤銷表空間來回滾任何未提交數據

To return a database to its state as of the last committed change , i . e . , to undo recent uncommitted changes 使一個數據庫返回到它上次已確認的改變之后的狀態,即取消最近的尚未確認的變動。

The process of rolling forward uncommitted transactions , if any , and bringing the database online is known as recovery 前滾未提交的事務(如果有)并使數據庫處于在線狀態的過程稱為“恢復

The standby file allows for the undo pass to be reverted so that the uncommitted transactions can be brought back 數據挖掘模型用于通過計算一組已知和可預測的數據來估計模型參數的過程。

This variable controls whether uncommitted inserts can be ignored for cursors under the cs or rs isolation levels 這個變量控制未提交的插入在cs或者rs隔離級別下是否可以被游標忽略。

A database snapshot captures the point in time at which snapshot creation began , minus any uncommitted transactions 數據庫快照捕獲開始創建快照的時間點,去掉所有未提交的事務。

Undo uncommitted transactions , but save the undo actions in a file so that recovery effects can be reverted 撤消未提交的事務,但將撤消操作保存在文件中,以便可使恢復效果逆轉。

Enabling this variable has the effect of treating uncommitted inserts as if they haven t been inserted at all 啟用這個變量會使未提交的插入被當成它們完全沒被插入一樣處理。

In this case , any uncommitted data modifications that are made before the run - time error are rolled back 在這種情況下,所有在運行時錯誤之前執行的未提交數據修改都將回滾。

However , the database might contain changes made by transactions that are uncommitted at the recovery point 但是,數據庫可能包含在恢復點處未提交的事務所做的更改。

When this option is set , it is possible to read uncommitted modifications , which are called dirty reads 設置此選項之后,可以讀取未提交的修改,這種讀取稱為臟讀。

One transaction may not write to a row if another uncommitted transaction has already written to it 如果一個事務已經開始寫數據,則另外一個數據則不允許同時寫。

At this point , a database typically has uncommitted transactions and is in an unusable state 在此點,數據庫通常有未提交的事務,并處于不一致、不可用的狀態。

Explained that uncommitted transactions have been rolled back in a newly created database snapshot 介紹了未提交的事務已在新近創建的數據庫快照中進行了回滾。