
unchristian adj.1.不信奉基督教的。2.違反基督教教義的。3.與...


Mr linton has a prejudice against me : we quarrelled at one time of our lives , with unchristian ferocity ; and , if you mention coming here to him , he ll put a veto on your visits altogether . therefore , you must not mention it , unless you be careless of seeing your cousin hereafter : you may come , if you will , but you must not mention it 我們吵過一次,吵得非常兇,你要是跟他說起你到過這兒,他就會根本禁止你來,因此你一定不要提這事,除非你今后并不在乎要看你表弟:要是你愿意,你可以來,可你決不能說出來。 ”

You are aware , mr heathcliff , i said , that from the time you were thirteen years old , you have lived a selfish , unchristian life ; and probably hardly had a bible in your hands during all that period “你是知道的,希刺克厲夫先生, ”我說, “從你十三歲起,你就過著一種自私的非基督徒的生活大概在那整個的時期中你手里簡直沒有拿過一本圣經。

Not that st . john harboured a spirit of unchristian vindictiveness - not that he would have injured a hair of my head , if it had been fully in his power to do so 不是說圣.約翰懷著跟基督教不相容的報復心也不是說要是他有這份能耐,就會傷著我一根頭發怎么的。

The celebration of this day as jesus ' birth was probably influenced by unchristian festivals held at that time 在當時,會以這天來慶祝耶穌的誕生,可能是受到一群非基督徒的影響。

This is wrong , unchristian and disgraceful to the twentieth century civilization 對于二十世紀文明來說,這是錯誤的,非基督教的、不光彩的。

As for the good mrs. pendennis, she was almost distracted when she heard of the squabble, and of pen's unchristian behavior . 至于善良的潘登尼斯太太,她一聽得這場口角,以及潘的違背基督教義的行為,嚇得幾乎神志不清。

I was rebuffed and i spent a grim and tragic christmas eve in those most unchristian surroundings . 我受到駁斥,在這種最沒有基督教精神的環境中,我度過了一個十分慘淡的圣誕節前夜。