
uncalled adj.沒有被召喚的,未受邀請的;未被請求的,未被要求的...

uncalled capital

Whenever nikolay thought afterwards of this uncalled - for outbursts of inexplicable franknessthough it had most important consequences for himit seemed to him as it always seems to people in such cases that it had happened by chance , through a sudden fit of folly . but at the same time this outburst of frankness , together with other insignificant events , had consequences of immense importance to him and to all his family . its like this , 后來,尼古拉回憶起這次并無什么動機的無法解釋的,卻又對他產生重大后果的坦誠直言的沖動時,他似乎覺得像這種情況下人人都會覺得那樣那是一時之糊涂但恰恰是這次坦誠的沖動,加上其他一些小事情,對他,也對他的家族有了重大后果。

In other people s presence i was , as formerly , deferential and quiet ; any other line of conduct being uncalled for : it was only in the evening conferences i thus thwarted and afflicted him 別人在場的時候,我照例顯得恭敬文雅,其他舉動都沒有必要。只有在晚上交談時,才那么沖撞他,折磨他。

He felt slighted , and the feeling of being slighted passed instantaneously without his being aware of it himselfinto a feeling of disdain , which was quite uncalled for 他覺得自己遭受到侮辱,而這種受辱的感覺就在他不知不覺的一瞬間變成了毫無道理的蔑視感。

At the best , in her most charitable frame of mind , she considered the statement of his views to be a caprice , an erratic and uncalled - for prank 在她心里最感到憐惜的時候,她也只把地闡述的論點當作一時的奇談怪論和毫無來由的俏皮話。

Furthermore , he had a row with lenehan and called him to stephen a mean bloody swab with a sprinkling of other uncalled - for expressions 他對斯蒂芬把利內翰痛罵了一通:什么卑鄙該死的蠢貨啦,以及其他一連串莫須有的惡言惡語。

Oh , i know it is absurd , uncalled for , to tell you this , undiginified even 唉,我知道告訴你這些是多么荒唐,其實是多余的,甚至是有失尊嚴的

I think it is uncalled for for law enforecement to bring the case to court 我覺得沒有必要把這樣的事情以法律的強制力帶進法院處理。

A perhaps uncalled - for gush of pity came over my heart : i was moved to say - 我心里涌起了陣也許是不必要的憐憫之情,感動得說話了:

That language is uncalled for 你不該這么說話

That ' s completely uncalled for , burgundy 這根本不是什么原因

Hey , that kind of language is uncalled for 嘿,你可不該說這種臟話

Okay , you know what ? that ' s uncalled for 好了,聽我說沒必要這樣

That was uncalled for . - i ' m not a lawyer 那沒有必要我又不是律師

That was uncalled for . - i ' m not a lawyer . . 那沒有必要我又不是律師

Your remarks on that occasion were quite uncalled for 你在那個場合說的一席話真是不合時宜。

- that was uncalled for . - i ' m not a lawyer . . 那沒有必要我又不是律師

An uncalled - for , highly personal remark 一句不得體且純屬人身攻擊的話

The suffering of washington's barefoot and hungry soldiers was uncalled for, since there was plenty of food elsewhere in the country . 華盛頓手下的赤足,饑餓的士兵所受的痛苦本來并不是必要的,因為國內別處糧食很豐富。

That last remark is uncalled for, out of order, and you will please withdraw it . 那句話是不必要的,是不妥當的,請你收回。