
unbecoming adj.1.不相稱的,不適當的 (to; for)。2....


He ultimately came clean , admitted he lied to his coaches , and was fined $ 500 , 000 while sitting out almost two months as his shoulder healed , the extension of an already unbecoming first season with the lakers 最終他還是站出來澄清,承認他對教練撒謊,被處以50萬的罰款,并且還因為肩傷在板凳上坐了2個月,就這樣度過了他在湖人第一個不怎么光彩的賽季。

Then there s my case . on may 9th of 2002 i was convicted of conduct unbecoming a member of the bc college of teachers . the reason was because i expressed my opinion in my local newspaper 我在二零零二年五月九日被英屬哥倫比亞省的教師會college of teachers裁定行為與該會成員身分不稱,理由是我在所屬的地區報章發表了我的意見。

Nay , more , she didn t even know how to deport herself on the stage : she thrust her arms in front of her while she swayed her whole body to and fro in a manner which struck the audience as unbecoming and disagreeable 她甚至連在舞臺上如何站立都不會,她把兩只手往前擺動,整個身子都搖晃起來,觀眾覺得很不得體,有失雅觀。

He would not want me to love him ; and if i showed the feeling , he would make me sensible that it was a superfluity , unrequired by him , unbecoming in me 他會不要我愛他,要是我依然有所表露,他會讓我感到,那是多余的,他既不需要,對我也不合適。

“ there is something a little stately in him to be sure , “ replied her aunt , “ but it is confined to his air , and is not unbecoming 舅母說: “他的確有點兒高高在上的樣子,不過只是風度上稍微有這么一點兒罷了,并不叫人討厭。

Nothing unbecoming tinged the pride ; it was a natural and worthy one ; but he observed it as a curiosity 那是一種理所當然的高尚的自豪,不曾沾染不當的色彩。但是他卻像觀察珍奇事物一樣觀察著他。

Frivolous talk is hurtful talk ; besides , it is unbecoming to be chatterbox 輕浮的談話是有害的;而且,做一個喋喋不休的人實在很不體面。

Such behaviour is unbecoming of a civil servant on the public payroll 這些行為都并不符合作為受薪公務員的角色。

He was drummed out of the service for conduct unbecoming of an officer 他因行為與軍官的身份不相稱而被部隊開除。

“ cavorting with nefarious characters . conduct unbecoming of an officer . “和三教九流混在一起不適合警官的行為”

Although not illegal his conduct was unbecoming for a lawyer 他的行為雖不違法,卻與其律師身分不相稱。

Halley marie martin , conduct unbecoming 哈蕾瑪麗馬丁,管得不好

You must not do what is unbecoming for your situation 你絕不能做出與你的地位不相稱的事情。

What about my conduct is unbecoming 我的行為什么時候變成不符合身份了?

The colours are unbecoming to her complexion 這些顏色與她的膚色不相配。

And conduct unbecoming of a federal agent .已經不再適合擔任聯邦警探的職務

. . . and conduct unbecoming of a federal agent . . .已經不再適合擔任聯邦警探的職務

Mrs. vpjohn was an agreeable young woman in the late thirties, with sandy hair, freckles and unbecoming hat . 厄普約翰夫人只有三十七、八歲,是個容易和人相處的少婦,她的頭發黃中帶紅,臉上有雀斑,戴了頂不大合適的帽子。

And it would be most unbecoming for a proud man to fly from danger, swing his arms by his sides, or to wrong another . 因此,逃避危險,袖手旁觀,或錯待他人,這些是最不符合驕傲人的特點。