unavailing adj.無益的,無用的,無效的。adv.-ly
adj. 無益的,無用的,無效的。 adv. -ly “unavailingly“ 中文翻譯: 無效地“unavailable water“ 中文翻譯: 無效水(分)。 “unavem“ 中文翻譯: 聯安核查團“unavailable time“ 中文翻譯: 不可用時間“unavem ii“ 中文翻譯: 第二期聯安核查團“unavailable tiller“ 中文翻譯: 無效分蘗“unavem ii unavem iii“ 中文翻譯: 第三期聯安核查團“unavailable state“ 中文翻譯: 不可用狀態“unavem iii unaydin solmaz“ 中文翻譯: 索爾烏茲“unavailable soil water“ 中文翻譯: 無效水
unavoidable |
And when she died - i believe broken - hearted - having never slackened her unavailing search for your father , she left you , at two years old , to grow to be blooming , beautiful , and happy , without the dark cloud upon you of living in uncertainty whether your father soon wore his heart out in prison , or wasted there through many lingering years 而在她去世之前-我相信她的心已經碎了-一直堅持尋找你的父親,盡管全無結果。她在你兩歲時離開了你。她希望你像花朵一樣開放,美麗幸福,無論你的父親是不久后安然出獄,還是長期在牢里消磨憔悴,你頭上都沒有烏云,不用提心吊膽過日子。 ” |
Here was a gorgeous triumph ; they were missed ; they were mourned ; hearts were breaking on their account ; tears were being shed ; accusing memories of unkindness to these poor lost lads were rising up , and unavailing regrets and remorse were being indulged ; and best of all , the departed were the talk of the whole town , and the envy of all the boys , as far as this dazzling notoriety was concerned 由此可見還有人惦記他們,有人哀悼他們,有人為他們傷心斷腸,有人為他們痛哭流涕。那些人一想到自己曾經對這幾個失蹤的苦孩子怎么怎么不好,良心上就會受到譴責,就會愧疚不已,可是悔之晚矣。頂頂重要的是,全鎮子的男女老少一定都在談論這幾個淹死的人,而別的孩子見他們如此聲名顯赫,既羨慕又忌妒。 |
Lydia - the humiliation , the misery , she was bringing on them all - soon swallowed up every private care ; and covering her face with her handkerchief , elizabeth was soon lost to every thing else ; and , after a pause of several minutes , was only recalled to a sense of her situation by the voice of her companion , who , in a manner , which though it spoke compassion , spoke likewise restraint , said , “ i am afraid you have been long desiring my absence , nor have i any thing to plead in excuse of my stay , but real , though unavailing , concern 她用一條手絹掩住了臉,便一切都不聞不問了。過了好一會兒,她聽到她朋友的聲音,這才神志清醒過來。只聽得達西說話的聲調里滿含著同情,也帶著一些拘束“我恐怕你早就希望我走開了吧,我實在沒有理由待在這兒,不過我無限地同情你,雖然這種同情無濟于事。 |
Not a tear rose to burns s eye ; and , while i paused from my sewing , because my fingers quivered at this spectacle with a sentiment of unavailing and impotent anger , not a feature of her pensive face altered its ordinary expression 見了這種情景,我心頭涌起了一種徒勞無益無能為力的憤怒,氣得手指都顫抖起來,而不得不停下手頭的針線活。她那憂郁的面容毫不改色,依然保持著平日的表情。 |
One day when i was reproaching him for his unavailing searches , and deploring the prostration of mind that followed them , he looked at me , and , smiling bitterly , opened a volume relating to the history of the city of rome 有一天,我埋怨他不該作這種于事無益的搜尋,以致把自己弄得身心疲憊,他看了看我,然后苦笑著打開一大卷述及羅馬城歷史的書。 |
He sat down by her and put his arms around her ; she buried her face in his bosom , she clung to him , she poured out her terrors , her unavailing regrets , and the far echoes turned them all to jeering laughter 他坐在她旁邊摟著她。她緊緊地挨著湯姆,臉貼在他懷里,一古腦地訴說她的恐懼,連后悔都來不及了,這聲音傳到遠處變成了嘲笑,回蕩在通道里。 |
“ come , come , “ continued the count , “ complaints are unavailing , be a man , be strong , be full of hope , for i am here and will watch over you . “來,來, ”伯爵繼續說, “怨艾是沒有用的!拿出男子漢的勇氣來,堅強一點,不要失掉希望,因為有我在這兒,我可以為你設法。 ” |
Operation was performed 17 days later after invalid anticoagulant treatments and unavailing catheter fragmentation 經過檢查確定是大量肺栓塞,但是經過內科用肝素治療,卻發生血小板過低過低的副作用。 |
A week afterwards she came in one evening from an unavailing search for some light occupation in the immediate neighbourhood 一個星期里,她都在附近的地方尋找一個輕松一點兒的工作,但是她沒有找到。 |
He demanded , trying , as it seemed , to see with those sightless eyes - unavailing and distressing attempt 他問,似乎要用那雙失明的眼睛來看無效而痛苦的嘗試! |
Hurstwood heard the details of the weary and unavailing search that evening 那天晚上,赫斯渥聽到了這次勞而無獲的尋找的詳細情況。 |
His had first - rate qualities , and they are lost : rendered worse than unavailing 他的兒子有頭等的天賦,卻荒廢了,變得比沒用還糟。 |