
unassuming adj.不擺架子的,謙遜的。adv.-ly


The introduction was followed up on his side by a happy readiness of conversation - a readiness at the same time perfectly correct and unassuming ; and the whole party were still standing and talking together very agreeably , when the sound of horses drew their notice , and darcy and bingley were seen riding down the street 一經介紹之后,他就高高興興,懇懇切切地談起話來既懇切,又顯得非常正派,而且又有分寸。他們正站在那兒談得很投機的時候,忽然聽到一陣得得的馬蹄聲,只見達西和彬格萊騎著馬從街上過來。

We stop at no 9 , a typically unassuming shop housing a branch of the kowloon soy company . it s an excellent soy sauce , pungent and intense , though more expensive than the mass brands , and william picks up a bottle , together with a jar of yenin sauce - a kind of sweet - and - sour sauce excellent with fish , particularly during the summer 我這典型為食貓每當路經灣仔的東方小只園,亦禁不住光顧十元八塊鹵味,看著那店員熟練的揮動剪刀,不消兩分鐘,雞燒鵝叉燒樣樣全,雖然全部是素,但聽其口不心的名字,已教我食指大動矣!

My only face - to - face encounter with her , a brief conversation after my presentation at the international conference on thinking at the singapore convention hall in june 1997 , gave me the distinct impression that she was self - possessed and self - confident in a calm and unassuming way 我覺得她在冷靜沉著充滿自信之余,卻能保持著其謙遜的一面。當時我并不知道她曾當過模特兒,也不曉得她在新加坡文化界內所引起的軒然大波。

While wangji fucheng s zongzi may lack some of the character of northern taiwanese zongzi - which are more savory - they nevertheless reflect the unassuming virtues of the people of the south , giving full play to the stickiness and taste of glutinous rice 雖然口味與配料都不如油飯粽那般有個性,但是王記府城肉粽具有南部人的樸實無華特質,彰顯出圓糯米的黏度與清香。

Criss - crossed at all angles by canals that are intersected at random by elegantly carved stone bridges ; zhou zhuang is an unassuming town that offers a glimpse into what life in the china of old might have looked like 至清康熙初年正式定名為周莊鎮。江南水鄉甲天下,周莊水鄉甲江南。用這兩句贊美詩來描繪周莊的水鄉風采是十分恰當的。

Chinese premier zhu rongji is a man of great confidence , yet , for all his stature , he is also admirably unassuming , frank and open - minded , characteristics he exuded during his three - day visit to singapore 朱金容基總理是一個非常自信的人,同時又謙遜坦誠,虛懷若谷。在新加坡為期三天的正式訪問中,這種令人欽佩的品德再次展露無遺。

Harriet was an extremely pretty girl of seventeen , not in the least brilliant , but with pleasing , unassuming manners , and a gratifying habit of looking up to emma as a paragon 哈里特是附近寄宿學校學生,住在校長家里。她年方十七,相貌出眾,雖然資質低下,但舉止行為卻討人喜歡,毫不做作,又習慣于把愛瑪奉為楷模,所以挺稱人心意。

In the years after her enlightenment , master ching hai lived the quiet , unassuming life of a buddhist nun . shy in nature , she kept the treasure hidden until people sought her instruction and initiation 生性害羞的師父,在成道后的幾年過著清靜、默默無聞的出家人生活,直到人們找到她并請求她教導和傳法,師父才將這個寶藏公開。

On the surface jaouad gharib appears to be quite an unassuming character , but the moroccan is the current world champion in one of the toughest events on the athletics schedule 從表面上看來,佳里布是一位非常謙虛的運動員。但是你可能想不到,這位謙虛的摩洛哥人卻是馬拉松這個最艱苦項目現在的世界冠軍。

And it is often through the intercession of the worlds most innocent and unassuming residents animals , children and young adults that we can learn the most precious lessons in this area of virtue 經由動物小孩與青少年這群世界上最天真最謙遜的居民請求,讓世人學習到愛護動物的這個寶貴功課。

They had a low and unassuming aspect from this upland , though as approached on the other side from blackmoor in her childhood they were as lofty bastions against the sky 從這塊高地看去,它們是一種低矮和卑謙的樣子,但是在她小時候從黑荒原谷的另一邊看去,它們卻像是高聳入云的城堡。

Bob dole was overrun by the longer - named bill clinton , but again it was by someone with an unassuming surname and there was only a single syllable difference 鮑勃?杜爾就被比他名字長的比爾?克林頓戰勝了,然而“克林頓”本身也是一個謙遜的姓氏,而且和“杜爾”相比也只差一個音節。

Ching hai adorably hailed as a supreme master is a gifted lady . she s visionary , writer , poetess , painter , entertainer , fashion and jewelry designer . she is very unassuming 被尊稱為無上師的清海是一位很有天賦的女士,她是一位靈性導師作家詩人畫家娛樂家服裝和珠寶設計家。

In the southwest corner of toronto , an unassuming , semi - detached storefront duplex is the home of the toronto center of the supreme master ching hai international association 清海無上師世界會多倫多小中心位于多倫多西南隅,是一棟簡樸半獨立的兩層店鋪式小樓。

“ the two towers “ the saga centers around an unassuming hobbit named frodo baggins who inherits a ring that would give a dark and powerful lord the power to enslave the world 當他的朋友發現這是黑暗魔王索倫的戒指后,佛羅多一定要尋找末日之隙,將魔戒毀滅。

George harrison was an unlikely rock star an unassuming man cynical about celebrity concentrating on what mattered the music . he d been a heavy smoker for many years 哈里森并不像是一名搖滾樂手,他是一個謙遜的人,不爭名逐利,全心投入他最喜歡的音樂之中。

She hunted out an unassuming restaurant and entered , but was disturbed to find that the prices were exorbitant for the size of her purse 她找到一個不起眼的小飯店,就走了進去。但是她不安地發現那里的價錢高得嚇人,不是她的錢包可以付得起的。

The saga centers around an unassuming hobbit named frodo baggins who inherits a ring that would give a dark and powerful lord the power to enslave the world 當他的朋友發現這是黑暗魔王索倫的戒指后,佛羅多一定要尋找末日之隙,將魔戒毀滅。

Crouching tiger , hidden dragon have since brought global fame to chow yun fat , whose humble island origins are still said to be manifested in his unassuming disposition 憑著安娜與國王及臥虎藏兩套猛片,周潤發成為了90年代炙手可熱的影星。