
unapproved adj.未經承認的,未經允許的,未準的。


If your fdh takes up unapproved employment with any other person , heshe will breach the condition of stay imposed on himher . heshe will be liable to prosecution and subsequent removal , and hisher future employment application will be subject to close scrutiny 假如你的外傭為任何其他人士從事未經許可的工作,即違反了對其施加的逗留條件,可能遭受檢控和被遣送離境,而入境處亦會嚴格審核他她日后的工作申請。

If your fdh takes up unapproved employment with any other person , he she will breach the condition of stay imposed on him her . he she will be liable to prosecution and subsequent removal , and his her future employment application will be subject to close scrutiny 假如你的外傭為任何其他人士從事未經許可的工作,即違反了對其施加的逗留條件,可能遭受檢控和被遣送離境,而入境處亦會嚴格審核他她日后的工作申請。

You could express all the complicated stuff between the fork and the join as follows : in any order , verify the identity of the kid and also mark the deposit as approved if a parent is present , or unapproved if the parent is absent 可以如下表達在“分叉”與“匯合”之間的所有復雜的情況,如下:驗證小孩的身份并在家長在場的情況下標記存款為批準,或者當家長不在場時標記為未批準(這兩個過程不分先后次序) 。

Priority given to control of insecticide - contaminated vegetables , meat from unapproved source , unhygienic meat handling at retail outlets , and the quality of seawater in which seafood is kept at food premises 首要工作是管制受除害污染的蔬菜、從未經許可來源供應的肉類、零售店鋪以不合?生方法處理的肉類,以及食物業處所飼養海鮮所用海水的水質

Priority given to control of insecticide - contaminated vegetables , meat from unapproved source , unhygienic meat handling at retail outlets , and the quality of seawater in which seafood is kept at food premises 首要工作是管制受除害污染的蔬菜從未經許可來源供應的肉類零售店鋪以不合?生方法處理的肉類,以及食物業處所飼養海鮮所用海水的水質

In this scenario , the money isn t actually added to the account ; rather , the deposit is entered into the passbook as “ unapproved . “ any parent can approve the transaction at some subsequent time 在這個方案里,錢實際上沒有加到帳戶里,更準確地說,這筆存款是以“未批準”的狀態輸入存折的。任何家長可以在隨后的時間里批準該交易。

They also conducted 23 , 203 surprise visits to fresh provision shops and meat stalls to check if meat from unapproved sources was being sold . their action resulted in eight prosecutions 此外,本署亦對新鮮糧食店和街市肉檔進行了23 , 203次突擊巡查,以查核所售賣的肉類是否來自未經核準的來源,結果檢控了八人。

They also conducted 21 , 138 surprise visits to fresh provision shops and meat stalls to check if meat from unapproved sources was being sold . the action resulted in nine prosecutions 本署亦對新鮮糧食店和街市肉檔進行了21138次突擊巡查,以查核所售賣的肉類是否由未經核準的來源提供,結果檢控了九人。

They also conducted 21 , 138 surprise visits to fresh provision shops and meat stalls to check if meat from unapproved sources was being sold . the action resulted in nine prosecutions 本署亦對新鮮糧食店和街市肉檔進行了21 138次突擊巡查,以查核所售賣的肉類是否由未經核準的來源提供,結果檢控了九人。

They also conducted 11 702 surprise visits to fresh provision shops and meat stalls to check if meat from unapproved sources was being sold . their action resulted in three prosecutions 本署亦對新鮮糧食店及街市肉檔進行了11 702次突擊巡查,以查核所售賣的肉類是否來自未經核準的來源,結果檢控三人。

They also conducted 11 702 surprise visits to fresh provision shops and meat stalls to check if meat from unapproved sources was being sold . their action resulted in three prosecutions 本署亦對新鮮糧食店及街市肉檔進行了11702次突擊巡查,以查核所售賣的肉類是否來自未經核準的來源,結果檢控三人。

The newspaper quotes the director general of the administration ' s food production and supervision department as saying the new system will target potentially dangerous and unapproved food products 報導援引總局食品生產監管司司長的話說,新的食品召回制度針對那些有潛在危險和未經批準的食物產品。

While there are cases where unscrupulous food manufacturers cheat by using unapproved ingredients , these cases are the exception , rather than the rule for the majority of our foods 有時有一些食物制造業者使用未經核準的成分來欺騙消費者,但這些情形大部分是例外,并不能因一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥。

It became apparent while working with the diagram that it would be a lot easier for the unapproved deposits to be held in the passbook , not by the teller , so i did that 當使用這個圖時,我們可以明顯地看到將未批準的存款扣留在存折中比由出納員扣留方便得多,于是我就那樣做了。

Now we pray to god that you do no wrong ; not that we ourselves may appear approved , but that you may do what is right , even though we may appear unapproved 林后13 : 7我們求神、叫你們一件惡事都不作這不是要顯明我們是蒙悅納的、是要你們行事端正、任憑人看我們是被棄絕的罷。

( unapproved accrediting bodies - these bodies are not approved by the u . s . department of education and therefore any so - call “ accreditation “ by these bodies is meaningless 這些團體并未被美國教育部批準為合法的認證團體故此由這些團體發出的所謂認證跟本是沒有意義的。

An inad exemption is not the same as approval it merely temporarily permits research ( under specific conditions ) on an unapproved compound Inad免除是與正式批準不同的,它是僅指暫時允許一個特定的化合物用于研究(在特定的狀態下) 。

During the period covered by this report , unapproved religious and spiritual groups remained under scrutiny and , in some cases , repression 在本報告階段內,未經批準的宗教和信仰團體仍受到嚴密監視,在某些情況下還遭到壓制。

Are stock items controlled with the markingreservation of bulk items to prevent mixing , swapping , or unapproved use of the materials 有否切實執行存貨管控及控制大型物料的標簽預留方法,來防止混合、調換或使用未經批準的物料