
unappreciated adj.未受賞賜的;不被領情的。


If he feels unappreciated , give him the appreciation he needs ; if he feels rejected or m anipulated , give him the acceptance he needs ; if he feels mistrusted , give him the trust he needs ; if he feels put down , give him the admiration that he needs ; if he feels disapproval , give him the approval he needs and deserves 如果他覺得沒受到感激,給他需要的感激;如果他覺得被拒絕或被操縱,給他需要的接受;如果他覺得不被信任,給他需要的信任;如果他情緒不好,給他需要的贊美;如果他覺得不受肯定,給他需要和應得的肯定。

When a woman resists a man ' s solutions he feels his competence is being questioned . as a result he feels mistrusted , unappreciated , and stops caring . his willingness to listen understandably lessens 女人抗拒男人提供的解答時,他會覺得自己的能力受到懷疑,因而感到不受信任、不被感激,然后從此停止照顧。可理解的是,他愿意傾聽的熱情必也大打折扣。

When a woman resists a man ' s solutions he feels his competence is being questioned . as a result he feels mistrusted , unappreciated , and stops caring . his willingness to listen understandably lessens 只要記得女人從金星來,男人此時就能轉而了解她為何會抗拒他。他會反省和發覺在她需要感同身受與滋潤時,他可能給的是她不需要的解答。

If you have a resentful or demanding attitude , no matter how carefully you choose your words , he will feel unappreciated for what he has already given and probably say no 不管多小心譴詞用字,如果態度是氣憤和命令式的,他會覺得你不感激他原先所給與的,而可能對你的要求說不。

Police work on inner - city streets is a domestic vietnam , a dangerous no win struggle fought by confused , misdirected and unappreciated troops 市中心平民區的治安工作是一支思想混亂、指揮失誤、不受歡迎的部隊進行的一場危險的、只輸不贏的爭斗,猶如一場國內的越戰。

The charms of their subtlety passed by her unappreciated , and she only received them as inimical sounds which meant that anger ruled 她領會不到話里微妙的辛辣意味,她只是把它們當作敵意的聲音加以接受,知道那表示他在忍受著憤怒。

Work stress involves too much work as well as a lack of satisfaction and feeling undervalued and unappreciated 工作壓力包含很多方面,如工作量過大、對工作感到不滿意、或在工作中不得志等。

The simplest things in life is indeed the most underrated and unappreciated , such as a simple and sincere thank you 人生中最簡單的事情還真的是最不被看好與珍惜的,有如一聲簡單的謝謝。

If you feel unloved or unappreciated , feel the love and appreciation your soul has for you 若你覺得不被愛或不被賞識,感覺你的靈魂給你的愛及賞識。

Rather than feeling unappreciated by man , thrill at being used by god at all 寧可因神居然會使用我而心神蕩樣,不因人不欣賞我而心情沮喪。

Kind of unappreciated , 沒有被認可的感覺

When a man feels unappreciated , he stops giving support 男人如果覺得沒受感激,便會停止給與支持。

And dr . nora says that can iead to feeiing unappreciated 而且,諾拉醫生說這會導致感覺自己被忽視

They know what it ' s like to be unappreciated 因為她們親身體驗過被忽略的滋味。

This makes him feel unloved and unappreciated 這使他覺得自己沒有被愛、被感激。

The charms of their subtlety passed by her unappreciated . 話里的微妙刻薄意味,她一概不能領會。