
unaccountable adj.1.無法解釋的;莫名其妙的。2.沒有責任的,不負...


There must be something short - sighted in the eternal arrangements , surely thus it was , however ; and the last drop of blood having been extracted from the flints , and the last screw of the rack having been turned so often that its purchase crumbled , and it now turned and turned with nothing to bite , monseigneur began to run away from a phenomenon so low and unaccountable 可是實際情況就是如此。一無所有的人已被榨干了最后的一滴血,刑具的最后的螺絲已經多次使用,受刑者已經崩潰,現在那螺絲轉來轉去,再也咬不住什么了。大人們只好離開這樣今人喪氣而又無法解釋的現象,逃得遠遠的。

But after innumerable fluttering thoughts , like a man perfectly confus d and out of my self , i came home to my fortification , not feeling , as we say , the ground i went on , but terrify d to the last degree , looking behind me at every two or three steps , mistaking every bush and tree , and fancying every stump at a distance to be a man ; nor is it possible to describe how many various shapes affrighted imagination represented things to me in , how many wild ideas were found every moment in my fancy , and what strange unaccountable whimsies came into my thoughts by the way 這使我心煩意亂,像一個精神失常的人那樣,頭腦里盡是胡思亂想,后來就拔腿往自己的防御工事跑去,一路飛奔,腳不沾地。可是,我心里又惶恐至極,一步三回頭,看看后面有沒有人追上來,連遠處的一叢小樹,一枝枯樹干,都會使我疑神疑鬼,以為是人。一路上,我是驚恐萬狀,頭腦里出現各種各樣的幻景,幻覺里又出現各種各樣荒誕不經的想法以及無數離奇古怪的妄想,簡直一言難荊我一跑到自己的城堡-以后我就這樣稱呼了-一下子就鉆了進去,好像后面真的有人在追趕似的。

We cannot judge with certainty of his genius in austria and prussia , as the accounts of his doings there must be drawn from french and german sources . and the unaccountable surrender of corps of soldiers without a battle , and of fortresses without a siege , must dispose germans to postulate napoleons genius as the unique explanation of the war as it was waged in germany 我們也難以準確無誤地判斷他在奧地利和在普魯士的天才,因為有關他在那里的活動的報導,我們要從法國和德國的文獻中去查找整個兵團未經戰斗就不可思議地投降當了俘虜,要塞還沒有被包圍就一個個陷落,這一切使德國人不能不承認他的天才,為那場在德國進行的戰爭作出唯一的解釋。

Once , this freakish , elvish cast came into the child s eyes , while hester was looking at her own image in them , as mothers are fond of doing ; and , suddenly - for women in solitude , and with troubled hearts , are pestered with unaccountable delusions - she fancied that she beheld , not her own miniature portrait , but another face , in the small black mirror of pearl s eye 一次,當海斯特象做母親的喜歡做的那樣,在孩子的眼睛中看著自己的影象時,珠兒的眼睛巾又出現了那種不可捉摸的精靈似的目光由于內心煩悶的婦女常常為莫名其妙的幻象所縈繞,她突然幻想著,她在珠兒的眼睛那面小鏡子中看到的不是她自己的小小的肖像,而是另外一張面孔。

Like a theater audience that watches the herky - jerky gestures of a marionette and infers the presence of a hidden puppeteer , researchers observe that visible matter moves in unaccountable ways and conclude that unseen matter must be pulling the strings 這就好像觀眾在戲院中看到木偶的一舉手、一投足,便會推論出幕后有人在操縱著;當天文學家觀察到有形可見的物質以不能理解的方式運動時,即認定背后有看不見的物質在作怪。

For some reason , the two women had drawn together , in one of the unaccountable flows and ebbs of sympathy that exist between people . they were pegging down carnations , and putting in small plants for the summer . it was work they both liked 為了一種什么緣故,這兩個女人,給人類間存在著一種不可解的同情之潮所溶臺了,她們把麝香石竹系在栓子上,她們種著一些夏季的小植物,這種工作她們倆都喜歡的。

But there lay the embroidered letter , glittering like a lost jewel , which some ill - fated wanderer might pick up , and thenceforth be haunted by strange phantoms of guilt , sinkings of the heart , and unaccountable misfortune 但那個刺繡的紅字落在岸邊,象一顆遺失的珠寶似的閃閃發光,某個倒霉的流浪者可能會把它揀起來,從此便會被神秘的罪惡幽靈、沉淪的心靈和難言的不幸所縈繞了。

But there lay the embroidered letter , glittering like a lost jewel , which some ill - fated wanderer might pick up , and thenceforth be haunted by strange phantoms of guilt , sinkings of the heart , and unaccountable misfortune 但那個刺繡的紅字落在岸邊,象一顆遺失的珠寶似的閃閃發光,某個倒霉的流浪者可能會把它揀起來,從此便會被神秘的罪惡幽靈沉淪的心靈和難言的不幸所縈繞了。

But her poor foolish mother little knew her present feeling towards this man . perhaps it was unusual in the circumstances , unlucky , unaccountable ; but there it was ; and this , as she had said , was what made her detest herself 也在這種情形里,她的感情是不同尋常的,不幸的,不可解釋的但是,實際上正是如此正像她已經說過的,這就是她為什么要自己恨自己的原因了。

The shameful fact is that governments have so little control over economic globalisation precisely because they have systematically abrogated their powers , handing them over to unaccountable bodies like the wto 而可悲的事實是,那些遭受控制的政府,對于經濟的全球化是無法招架的,因為他們已經被整個系統要求廢除那些權力,把這些權力交給那些不可理諭的團體如wto 。

At times , nevertheless , it did seem unaccountable to her that a decidedly bookish , musical , thinking young man should have chosen deliberately to be a farmer , and not a clergyman , like his father and brothers 不過有的時候,似乎她也難以理解,他這樣一個書生氣十足愛好音樂和善于思索的年輕人,為自己選擇的竟是做一個農民,而不是像他的父親和哥哥一樣去當牧師。

I cou d give many examples of this in the course of my unaccountable life ; but in nothing was it more particularly remarkable , than in the circumstances of my last years of solitary residence in this island 這使我驚恐萬分。那兒我也發現過野人到過的痕跡。但使我更苦惱的是,火光不是在島的另一邊,而是在我這一邊。

Tom s heartbreak vanished and he joined the procession , not because he would not a thousand times rather go anywhere else , but because an awful , unaccountable fascination drew him on 全鎮的人潮水般涌向墳地,湯姆突然不傷心了,也跟在后面。實際上,他很想到別的地方去,但是卻被一種可怕的不可言狀的魔力吸引到這里。

For some unaccountable reason , as arthur dimmesdale felt the child s eyes upon himself , his hand - with that gesture so habitual as to have become involuntary - stole over his heart 出于某種難以名狀的原因,阿瑟丁梅斯代爾感到孩子助目光落在他身上時,他的手以習慣成自然的姿勢,悄悄捂到了心口上。

The sensation experienced by franz was evidently not peculiar to himself ; another , and wholly uninterested person , felt the same unaccountable awe and misgiving 弗蘭茲的感覺顯然不是他自己所特有的了,因為另外一個人,一個完全無關的局外人,也同樣感到了這種不可思議的畏懼和疑慮。

Though unaccountable centuries had passed , it is a profound mission to neaten the past 100 years , leaving the offspring a distinctive memory 盡管無數個一百年已遠去,但好好整理剛剛過去的這一百年,交給后人一部分清晰的記憶,卻是一項意義深遠的使命。

Churlish as it may be to criticise those who [ color = orange ] set out to2 [ / color ] do good , many charities behave as if they were unaccountable 也許去批評那些一心想做點好事的人是很無禮的,但是許多慈善團體表現地似乎一點責任感都沒有。

Its whereabouts are known by the parents at all time , and no unaccountable junketing around the countryside in some boy ' s car is allowed 但不能讓孩子坐著某個男孩的汽車,去郊外搞什么說不出名堂的野餐。

My confessions have not relieved me ; but they may account for some otherwise unaccountable phases of humour which i show 我的自白并不能使我輕松可是這些話可以說明我所表現的情緒,不如此是無法說明的。