
umbilicus n.(pl. -ci )1.【解剖學】臍;【植物;植物學...


As for fresh male adult cadaver , inject 8 % gelatin carbonic ink , 14 % ammonia and red gelatin until the ventral skin of the toe turn red from black , washing 6 hours by flowing water . cutting the scapular flap , anterolateral femoral flap , chest - umbilicus flap and medial superior genicular flap , after washing and rot prevention , inject 8 % gelatin ink solution into artery 新鮮男性成人尸體1具,于雙側股動脈插管內分別先后行8明膠碳素墨汁14氨水紅色乳膠溶液灌注,至趾腹顏色由黑變紅為止,流水沖洗6小時。

Put on the special gloves after showering , then take adequate volume of cream ( about 3g , i . e . 5cm in length ) , paste them evenly onto the abdomen area but avoiding umbilicus , put your palm center on the abdomen , then roundly massage clockwise and counterclockwise until the cream is completely absorbed by the skin , and you feel hot from your abdomen 使用方法:沐浴后,戴上專用按摩手套,取適量( 3克左右,即約5厘米長)膏體,均勻涂抹在腹部(避開肚臍) ,用掌心按在腹部,分別以順時針和逆時針打圈按摩,至完全吸收,腹部有微微發熱感覺。

A 78 - year - old woman with underlying malignant t - cell lymphoma , urinary tract infection , and bilateral pneumonia complicated with acute respiratory failure developed 2 purpuric macules over the right chest , and one purpuric papule and one purpuric plaque around the umbilicus 摘要一位罹患惡性淋巴瘤、泌尿道感染及兩側肺炎合并急性呼吸衰竭的七十八歲婦女,在右胸出現兩處紫斑及肚臍周圍各有一處紫色丘疹及紫色斑塊。

Redness of the umbilicus is usually considered to be a reliable sign of underlying gangrenous bowel or peritonitis in tiny infants but seldom among non - neonatal patients 摘要嬰兒時期肚臍處出現紅斑可能是腹膜炎的皮膚表現,但在其他年紀的孩童,腹膜炎合并肚臍發紅卻不常出現。

Thin abdominal wall , severe intra - abdominal soiling , and polymicrobial infection accounted for the inflammatory process spreading to the skin of the umbilicus 我們認為嚴重的腹腔內感染和幼童腹壁薄弱,導致發炎反應易擴散至肚臍,是造成肚臍發紅的原因。

Figure 1 . oblique scan above the umbilicus showing the zone of transition ( arrow ) between the dilated and nondilated bowel 圖1臍上斜向掃描顯示在擴張和非擴張腸管間存在過渡區(箭頭) 。

Cases of membranous dysmenorrhea treated by umbilicus applying and oral administration of chinese materia medica 中藥口服加敷臍治療膜樣痛經60例60

The application of free chest - umbilicus skin graft in repairing of limbs wound surface 胸臍皮瓣游離移植在修復四肢創面中的應用

The redness of umbilicus diminished gradually after laparotomy 肚臍發紅的情況在剖腹手術后逐漸消失。