
ultimate adj.1.最后的,最終的,極限的,結局的。2.根本的,...

The ultimate machine at the moment is of course the far more expensive full or “metered chop“ machine . 當前最新式的機器當然是昂貴得多的全切碎或計量切碎割草機。

Its ultimate aim can only be “to lay bare the economic law of motion of human society“ . 它的最終目的只能是“揭示人類社會運動的經濟規律”。

The ultimate machine at the moment is of course the far more expensive full or “metered chop“ machine . 當前最新式的機器當然是昂貴得多的全切碎或計量切碎割草機。

Its ultimate aim can only be “to lay bare the economic law of motion of human society“ . 它的最終目的只能是“揭示人類社會運動的經濟規律”。

ultimate analysis

The tall tale has here, one may think(as in the nevada atom bomb), reached its ultimate . 荒誕不經的故事發展到這一步,我們可以說(正如內華達的原子彈)已經達到它的極致了。

It aimed at an ultimate negotiation but supplied no guide to the content of those negotiations . 它的目的是最后舉行談判,但是,對于談判的內容,沒有提供什么線索。

The ultimate machine at the moment is of course the far more expensive full or “metered chop“ machine . 當前最新式的機器當然是昂貴得多的全切碎或計量切碎割草機。

Ultimate analysis provides an useful inventory of the distribution of the major elements in humic substances . 元素分析提供腐殖物質中主要元素分布的有用資料。

The storage of radioactive waste in the subsurface is a possible solution of their ultimate disposal . 放射性廢料的地下貯存是徹底處理它們的一種可行解決辦法。

In an ultimate sense, it must encompass more than the material and financial side of people's lives . 從根本上說,它不能只限于人民生活水平的物質和金錢方面。

Leibniz's philosophical concern is with ultimate particles of matter, which he called monads . Leibniz的哲學著眼于物質的最終的微粒,這些微粒他稱為單子。

The non-utilitarian arguments constitute moral axioms, like any ultimate ethical norms . 非功利主義的論點,像任何最終的倫理準則一樣,成了道德上的原則。

The similarity in psychological makeup was just enough to make the ultimate differences unbridgeable . 心理特征方面的相似之處,足以使根本分歧難以彌合。

Ultimate disposal of waste concentrates must be made in ways which do not cause more pollution problems . 污泥的最終處置,必須使之不再引起另外的污染。

Simply pulling the wound edges together with skin hooks reproduces the ultimate deformity . 如用皮膚鉤簡單地把傷口邊緣拉在一起,即可產生最終的畸形。

In strangulation, the ultimate evidence would be the murderer's fingerprints on the victim's neck . 在扼殺案件中,最終證據是兇手在被害人頸部的指紋。

He had the correct idea of trying to explain chemical phenomena in terms of ultimate particles . 他有試圖用最終的微粒解釋化學現象的正確想法。

Observed facts are the foundation of its structure and the ultimate proof of its results . 觀測到的事實是它的結構的基礎和它的結果的最后鑒證。

The chronicler sets down every detail, believing all to be of ultimate significance . 編年史家把每一件瑣事都記了下來,相信最終都是珍貴史料。