
tyrian adj.,n.提爾 (Tyre) 的(人)。

tyrian purple

Where are the greek merchants that came through the pillars of hercules , the gibraltar now grabbed by the foe of mankind , with gold and tyrian purple to sell in wexford at the fair of carmen ? read tacitus and ptolemy , even giraldus cambrensis 當年,希臘商人從赫刺克勒斯的兩根柱子377也就是如今已被人類公敵霸占了的直布羅陀之間穿行前來,以便在韋克斯福德的卡曼集市上出售他們帶來的黃金和推羅紫378 ,如今安在?

She pointed to a wide arch corresponding to the window , and hung like it with a tyrian - dyed curtain , now looped up 她指了指跟那窗子相對應的一扇又寬又大的拱門,一樣也掛著紅紫色的簾子,此刻往上卷著。