
tyrant n.1.暴君;專制君主。2.暴虐專橫的人。3.【希臘史】...


While the tyrant sits in rome 那個暴君卻占據了羅馬

Street tyrants control introduction 街頭霸鼠游戲攻略

- al . - a skinflint , a petty tyrant and a hypocrite to boot -阿爾-吝嗇鬼,卑鄙的暴君,徹頭徹尾的偽善者!

And leave you to that tyrant 把你留在那個暴君手里嗎?

Al . - a skinflint , a petty tyrant and a hypocrite to boot 阿爾-吝嗇鬼,卑鄙的暴君,徹頭徹尾的偽善者!

Fume with rage to this , the tyrant 對此,暴君大為惱火。

Was really a tyrant in the house .在家里是個真正的暴君。

I am no friend to caesar , nor any tyrant , 我不是愷撒的朋友

“ how was it that dionysius the tyrant became a schoolmaster 譯注這個暴君怎么會變成一個小學教師呢?

Linton can play the little tyrant well 林敦很能扮演小暴君。

. . . was really a tyrant in the house . .在家里是個真正的暴君。

Tyrant shek kin colludes with some westerners to smu . . 年青的黃飛鴻對武功及國家大事全不感興趣。

The tyrant like to exert his authority 暴君喜歡施展他的權威。

Liu wencai was a tyrant of a landlord 劉文財是個暴君般的地主。

Tyrants often mistake fear for respect 暴君常常錯把懼怕當尊敬。

No tyrant ever gave back so much 從沒有哪個暴君歸還過那么多東西

“ sic semper tyrannis : thus ever to tyrants . “ sic sempertyrannis “的意思是永遠打倒專制的君主

We are all afraid of him , he is a tyrant of a father 我們都害怕他,他是個暴君一樣的父親。

“ oh , i forgot you , said the tyrant “啊,我忘記你了,這個暴君說。