
typology n.1.【宗教】預示論,象征論。2.預兆。3.【哲,語言...


This paper studies on typology , chronology and distribution of socket axes in northeast china . and discusses socket axe of its characters , regional characteristics , cultural properties , and shape development 本文通過對東北地區直銎銅斧的全面梳理和類型學、分期與分區研究,就其分布的階段特點、區域特征、文化性質以及形制演變進行了討論。

Firstly the background of the paper “ s focus learning team is analyzed ; followed by the investigation of emergence , concept and typology of learning team ; lastly the nature of learning team is put into light 一學習型團隊的有關問題,從團隊組織演變的角度探討學習型團隊的產生、概念界定和類型劃分,最后揭示出學習型團隊的特征結構。

While this reciprocal typification is not yet institutionalization ( since , there only being two individuals , there is no possibility of a typology of actors ) , it is clear that institutionalization is already present in nucleo 當交互類型還沒有制度化(只有兩個人,沒有有關行動者類型學的任何可能性) ,那在其核心,制度化已經準備出現了。

While this reciprocal typification is not yet institutionaliztion ( since , there only being two individuals , there is no possibility of a typology of actors ) , it is clear that institutionaliztion is already present in nucleo 這個相對類型化尚未制度化(因為這里只有兩個人,則不可能為類型學的行動者) ,不過制度化已經清楚得呈現在? ?

1 . 3 study method - the import of the typology three aspects of typology are mainly used in architectural study , that is , the choice of the type , the disposal of the type and the relationship between the city form and typology 中義摘耍1 : 1研究方法? ?類刑學的引入類型學在建筑上研究的重點有三個主要方面: 1類型選擇; 2

Following the model of typology of intertextuality proposed by hatim & mason , we identify five types of “ manifest “ intertextuality and four types of “ constitutive “ intertextuality in the collected data 根據hatim & mason提出的互文性分類模式,我們在收集的材料中辨別出五類“顯性”互文性和四類“構成性”互文性。

A typology of experts ( what contemporary social workers call a referral guide ) is thus part of the generally relevant and accessible stock of knowledge , while the knowledge that constitutes expertise is not 專家的類型學(社工的轉介工作)是接近知識倉儲以及與知識倉儲普遍相關的一部分,然而知識建構的專業卻不是如此。

In addition to the baseline assessment , we have also commenced a review of the land use typology for land reservation purpose and also the methodologies for forecasting the land requirements for various economic activities 除以上評估外,我們亦就預留各種用地,以及按各項經濟活動預測對土地需求的方法進行了檢討。

The thesis is divided into seven chapters . the first chapter mainly discusses the concept of city norm and the typology , the system and the roles of city norm 本文共分7章,第1章主要研究什么是規范和城市規范,并對城市規范的分類、城市規范體系以及城市規范的作用進行了簡要的探討。

Fukui , naoki ( 1995 ) the principles - and - parameters approach : a comparative syntax of english and japanese . in shibatani & bynon ( eds . ) , approaches to language typology . oxford : clarendon press 中文本《某些主要與詞序有關的語法普遍現象》 ,陸丙甫、陸致極譯, 《國外語言學》 1984年第2期

This paper introduced the two developing stages of typology and presents the main characteristics of it , and it also argues the influence of typology to linguistic research in china 文章介紹了語言類型學的兩個發展階段及各階段的主要特點,并論述了類型學理論對我國語言研究的影響。

Iv . rarity , in terms of the survival of particular processes , site typologies or landscapes , adds particular value and should be carefully assessed . early or pioneering examples are of especial value 稀缺性使工業遺產價值錦上添花,那些早期建設的具有開創性的工業景觀更是如此。

The study frame of traditional courtyard system is established in this thesis by the way of the rational analysis and typology , which is based on the space and culture 本文以類型學的理性分析為研究方法,以當代建筑創作對傳統庭院的繼承為目標,建立起傳統庭院體系的研究框架。

The author also focuses on contemporary international research on the ware , contributing original views on the scope of its production and its chronological typology 著重地介紹了外國目前對克拉克瓷的研究成果,并對克拉克瓷的生產范疇和斷代提出了自己的觀點。

We are currently reviewing the typology for land reservation as well as the forecasting methodologies , the intention being to allow as much flexibility of use as possible 我們現正就土地儲備的類型及預測方法進行檢討,希望盡量增加土地運用模式的靈活性。

Shophouse architecture is a building typology that is both native and unique to urban asia . it is characterized by its hybridity in terms of accommodating diverse functions 騎樓是亞洲城市中獨有而常見的風土建筑類型,揉合各項功能如居住及商業活動于一身。

The basis of typology study in archaeology is classification , discriminating type is classification and discriminating pattern is also classification 考古類型學研究的基礎工作就是分類,分型是分類,分式亦是分類,只不過分類的原則和目的不同而已。

This part of the city ( like every historical part of the city ) contains heterogeneous collections of different architectural styles and typologies 城市的這部分(正如每個城市的歷史性部分那樣)涵蓋了各種建筑風格和類型的收藏品。

Icac officer and member of the asia pacific group typologies on moneylaundering , terrorist financing and alternate remittance systems 香港廉政公署人員,亦為亞太區打擊洗黑錢、恐怖活動資金來源及回旋式匯款活動小組成員