
typesetter 排字工人;排字機。


He had never received a sign of the existence of one , and from absence of judgment in rejecting all he wrote it seemed plausible that editors were myths , manufactured and maintained by office boys , typesetters , and pressmen 由于他的作品全都沒提意見就被退了回來,若說編輯不過是由辦公室的聽差排字工和印刷工所捏造出來并加以渲染的神話,也未嘗沒有道理。

Interscript is typesetter and programming language independent , and it can be extended in document by arbitrary executable code , written in python 在窗口對象中,輸入或輸出操作發生在光標上,這通常由輸入或輸出方法明確設置,但也可以分別修改。

He began to check it silently . mr bloom stood by , hearing the loud throbs of cranks , watching the silent typesetters at their cases 布盧姆先生站在他身邊,聽著機器發出的震響,望著那些在活字分格盤旁一聲不響地操作著的排字工人。

That might require the work of artists , photographers , cinematographers , directors , typesetters , actors , and many other people 那也許需要藝術家、攝影師、攝像師、導演、造型師、演員以及其他人員。

The foreman , without answering , scribbled press on a corner of the sheet and made a sign to a typesetter 工長沒有答話。他只在紙角上潦潦草草地寫上“付排”二字,并對排字工人打了個手勢。

The journalist is accused of trifling with the affections of hannah morrison , one of his typesetters 這位報界人士因為玩弄了排字工漢娜?莫里森而被控告。

Gee , i didn ' t knowyou were a reporter . i thoughtyou were just a typesetter 我從不知道你寫報道,我以為你只是個排字工人

He stayed in his walk to watch a typesetter neatly distributing type 他停下腳步,望著一個排字工人利利索索地分字模。

A typesetter brought him a limp galleypage 他一聲不響地開始校對。

The journalist is accused of trifling with the affections of hannah morrison, one of his typesetters . 這位報界人士因為玩弄了排字工漢娜莫里森而被控告。