
tycoon n.〔日語〕1.【歷史】大君,將軍〔日本德川幕府時代的將...


Entrepreneurs and tycoons 企業家和金融巨頭

4455 tycoon to finding 8 games 更多同類游戲

Mini tycoon introduction 迷你大富翁游戲攻略

Movie tycoon howard hughes must have the greatest job in the land 電影大亨霍華德休斯的工作一定是這片土地上最棒的

Railway tycoon introduction 鐵路大亨游戲攻略

Super tycoon introduction 超級大富翁游戲攻略

Download lemonade tycoon 2 下載檸檬水大亨2

Tycoon to finding 8 games 大富翁8來找茬小游戲

And now that a few tycoons have planes , others want them 少數企業大亨擁有私人飛機的現狀刺激了其他人的購買欲望。

And now that a few tycoons have planes , others want them 只要一部份富豪們有了私人飛機,其他的富豪們也想去擁有。

More international business tycoon opposite carrefour supermarket chains 對面更是國際商業巨頭-家樂福連鎖超市。

Transport tycoon introduction 運輸大富翁游戲攻略

Do not forget the tycoons 不要忘記那些企業大亨們。

If i were a tycoon , i would invest more money on e - commerce 如果我是大款,我會投資很多資金在電子商務里。

Tycoon to finding 8 introduction 大富翁8來找茬游戲攻略

Wildlife tycoon : venture africa 野生動物大亨:冒險非洲

The tycoon traveled the world to look for a good woman to marry 那名大亨環游世界各地想找個好女人結婚。

Are you the next oil tycoon 你是下一位石油業界的大亨嗎

An enlightenment of the media tycoon , murdock ' s purchasing and annexation strategy 默多克購并戰略啟示