twilight n.1.黎明;薄暮,黃昏;微明;朦朧;【天文學】晨昏蒙影...
n. 1.黎明;薄暮,黃昏;微明;朦朧;【天文學】晨昏蒙影,曙暮光。 2.懵懂;(意義的)模糊。 3.衰退沒落階級[狀態]。 4.〔美俗〕廁所,盥洗室。 adj. 微明的,幽暗的,朦朧的,有微光的。 vt. 使微明,朦朧地照亮。 “into the twilight“ 中文翻譯: 到曙光里來“of twilight“ 中文翻譯: 曙光“arch twilight“ 中文翻譯: 曙暮光弧“astronomical twilight“ 中文翻譯: 天文晨昏蒙影, 天文曙暮光; 天文曙暮光“beginning of twilight“ 中文翻譯: 晨昏朦影始“catching twilight“ 中文翻譯: 捕捉曙光“civil twilight“ 中文翻譯: 民用晨昏蒙影; 民用晨昏蠓影; 民用蒙影; 民用曙光; 民用曙暮光“counter-twilight“ 中文翻譯: 對日照; 反曙暮光“duration of twilight“ 中文翻譯: 蒙影時間“edge of twilight“ 中文翻譯: 之刃“end of twilight“ 中文翻譯: 三杰“evening twilight“ 中文翻譯: 黃昏蒙影; 昏影“glimmering twilight“ 中文翻譯: 暮色朦朧“kilimanjaro in twilight“ 中文翻譯: 非洲之巔“kingdom in twilight“ 中文翻譯: 尼伯龍根的指環“morning twilight“ 中文翻譯: 晨影; 早晨蒙影“nautical twilight“ 中文翻譯: 航海晨昏蒙影時間; 航海曙暮光“s twilight state“ 中文翻譯: 甘塞爾昏暗狀態“shanghai twilight“ 中文翻譯: 上海晨光“spire of twilight“ 中文翻譯: 暮光之塔“sunset twilight“ 中文翻譯: 夕陽馀暉“temple in the twilight“ 中文翻譯: 古寺晨光“the twilight of the gods“ 中文翻譯: 眾神的黃昏/“the twilight samurai“ 中文翻譯: 黃昏的清兵衛“twilight anesthesia“ 中文翻譯: 半麻醉“twilfght“ 中文翻譯: 黃昏
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Ask the iady which twilight zone is on tonight 問這個女士,今晚“黎明之地“放哪一集 |
Okay , it ' s official . we ' ve entered the twilight zone 這個很正式啊我們已經迷失了 |
Then i add twilight and give us things to say 然后我加入黃昏的陽光來帶給我們話題 |
I couldn ' t see their faces clearly in the twilight 我在曙色朦朧中看不清他們的臉 |
Twilight is upon me , and soon night must fall 雙星即將降臨,很快夜晚就要來到 |
Yes , she belonged to the twilight and mist . 是的,她屬于朦朧的暮色與迷霧。 ” |
In an instant, a new feeling took the place of sorrow: her eyes were fixed insensibly on the black veil, when, like a sudden twilight in the air, its terrors fell around her . 一瞬間,一種新的感情代替了悲痛:她正漫不經心地望著黑紗,突然,好象空中驟然出現了一片薄暮的昏暗,面紗的恐怖包圍了她。 |
Twilight combined with the scenery of egdon heath to evolve a thing majestic without severity, impressive without showiness, emphatic in its admonitions, grandiose simplicity . 蒼蒼的暮色和愛敦希思的景物,共同聯合起來造出一種風光,堂皇而不嚴峻,感人而無粉飾,有深遠的警戒性,有渾厚的淳樸性。 |
They crossed the river by a ferry, and rode long time in silence, while the twilight slowly fell behind the aspens . 他們乘一只擺渡船過了河,默不作聲地騎了一大段路,那時候,暮色慢慢地落在白楊樹的后面了。 |
Daylight began to forsake the red-room; it was past four o'clock, and the beclouded afternoon was tending to drear twilight . 陽光開始從紅屋子里消逝;已經過了四點了,陰沉沉的下午漸漸轉為凄涼的黃昏。 |
Back of them high in the twilight against the clouds, an angel waved a flaming sword driving them out of the garden . 在他們后面,在黃昏的云端高處,一個天使揮舞著烈焰熊熊的劍,把他們趕出樂園。 |
In the twilight of evening it is the darkness which is active and crescent, and the light which is the drowsy reverse . 在黃昏的朦朧里,卻是黑暗活躍而步步增強,亮光反而沉靜而睡眼倦開。 |
The autumn twilight gathered in, and from her place isabel could see the rain, which had now begun in earnest . 秋日的暮色正逐漸籠罩下來。伊莎貝爾可以從她坐的地方,望見秋雨正愈下愈猛。 |
Early in this strange twilight period, he delivered his “outstretched hand“ peace speech to the reichstag . 這段微妙、晦暗的時期剛剛開始,他就向德國國會作了“伸出和平之手”的演說。 |
They travelled in the night, halting an hour or two after daybreak, and lying by until the twilight fell . 他們只在夜間行進,天亮后一兩點鐘就歇下,一直躺著休息到黃昏的時候。 |
The van de luydens, who stood above all of them, had faded into a kind of superterrestrial twilight . 范德路易家族雖然位于前兩個家族之上,其實已經日薄西山、氣息奄奄了。 |
The glistening roofs of the still slumbering houses were sharply outlined against the twilight sky . 仍在沉睡中的房舍之閃亮的屋頂,在黎明的天空中,很清楚地露出輪廓來。 |
Because the sun rises and sets gradually, i used gradually changing light during twilight . 因為太陽是逐漸升起和沒落的,于是在晨昏時分我使用了逐漸變化的光線。 |
The aurora, the light of the night sky, and the twilight have been studied by a large number of investigators . 很多研究工作者還研究了極光、夜天空和曙光。 |