
twice adv.兩次;兩倍。 It is twice as go...

twice told

Mrs. corney twice essayed to speak, and twice failed . 考爾尼太太兩次試圖啟齒,兩次都沒有成功。

We stumbled once or twice but we got there quite quickly . 我們絆了一兩跤,但很快就到了那兒。

Twice two is equal to four . 兩個二等于四。

Once bitten, twice shy . 一次被咬,二次膽小。

I have been to dalian twice . 大連我去過兩回。

The boat has bottomed twice on this shallow stretch . 這艘船在這條淺水道上已經擱淺兩次了。

To ensure a good crop the soil had to be turned over twice . 要保證收成好,地要翻耕兩遍。

Each team scored twice and the game ended in a tie . 每個隊都有兩次得分,比賽以平局結束。

I woke up twice in the night . 我夜里醒過兩次。

It involves more than twice the necessary exertion . 這使得他們所用的力量是必需的兩倍。

He is twice the man he was . 他比從前加倍強壯了。

He had proposed marriage , unsuccessfully , twice already . 他已經兩次求婚,均未成功。

I have crossed his path only once or twice in my life . 我這一生中只和他相遇過一兩次。

Twice had villefort soothed him with promises . 他兩次都被維爾福用甜言蜜語把他哄走了。

The creek has to be crossed twice . 小溪得過兩次。

Every man is mad once or twice in his life . 每個人一生中,總不免有一兩次糊涂的時候。

Potatoes sprout twice a year . 馬鈴薯一年發兩次芽。

I'm making everyone in the office work twice as hard . 我使得辦公室每個人的工作加倍。

Twice he shook his fist at it . 他兩次向它揮著拳頭。