
twenty-four 【印刷】〔pl.〕24開(本)。


Twenty-four hours of ceaseless work by the light of oil lamps, seventy feet down in a confined space with dust flying everywhere, tested patience and skill . 在煤油燈下連續工作24小時,在地底下70英尺的狹小空間里,塵土到處飛揚,真是對耐心和技巧的考驗。

It was more merciful to launch the condemned man into twenty-four hours than to keep him shivering on the brink of that dread gulf for three weeks . 把死囚在宣判24小時之后處決,比使他在恐懼深淵的邊緣顫抖將近3個星期要更為仁慈些。

The fierce warrior brychen who sired twelve sons and twenty-four daughters and savagely put down all attacks on his kingdom . 兇猛的勇士布賴欣生了十二個兒子和二十四個女兒,他勇猛地粉碎了對王國所有的進攻。

I immediately embarked on a experiment which, even though it failed to get rid of the ants, kept me fascinated for twenty-four hours . 我立即進行了一項實驗,盡管實驗未能將螞蟻趕跑,卻使我整整一天著了迷。

There are only twenty-four hours in the day, of which at least seven must be spent in sleep and three in eating and relaxation . 一天之中只有二十四小時,其中至少應有七小時睡眠,三小時吃飯和休息。

At the cinema we see successive photographs projected on a screen at the rate of twenty-four frames per second . 在電影院,我們看到的是以每秒鐘24幅畫面的速度投射到銀幕上的連續照片。

A battalion of combat-hardened public-relations officers stood on red alert twenty-four hours a day . 一營久經戰陣的新聞發布官也接到命令,二十四小時都處于緊急戒備狀態。

If i had a grain of true repentance for an abominable life of twenty-four years past, it was then . 假使我對過去二十四年的罪惡生活果有絲毫追悔的話,那就是這個時候。

If i had a grain of true repentance for an abominable life of twenty-four years past, it was then . 假使我對過去二十四年的罪惡生活有絲毫追悔的話,那就是那個時候。

Such units can keep the japanese busy twenty-four hours a day and worry them to death . 這種隊伍可以弄得日本人一天二十四小時疲于奔命,愁得要死。

The application must be made within twenty-four hours , or it will not be attended to . 申請必須在二十四小時內辦理,否則不予受理。

After twenty-four hours free drainage, there was little difference in moisture content . 24小時不排水,濕度則幾乎沒什么不同。

The last twenty-four hours have witnessed a carnival of brutality . 在過去的二十四小時里,我親眼目睹了殘忍的活劇。

Shops that stay open twenty-four hours a day are a great convenience to the public . 商店日夜服務,群眾無不稱便。

In less than twenty-four hours london was abuzz . 不到二十四小時的光景,倫敦就熱鬧開了。

I have grown a lot older in the last twenty-four hours . 二十四小時以來,我老了許多。

Within twenty-four hours he died on the guillotine . 不出24小時,他就要死在斷頭臺上。

Twenty-four hours make a day . 二十四小時為一日。