
twelve n.1.十二,十二個。2.十二個東西[人];十二的記號;...


Fleur, leaning out of her window, heard the hall clock's muffled chime of twelve . 芙雷身子探出窗外,聽見穿堂里的鐘低沉地敲了十二點。

Near one end of the lawn were twelve old-fashioned knights playing at ninepins . 靠近草坪的一端,有十二個古代裝束的武士在玩九柱戲。

He whose arrow was seat through the whole twelve rings was to have the queen for his prize . 誰一箭射過全部十二個環誰就贏得了王后。

Ben lagged behind his twelve brothers and sisters who still lived at home . 本慢慢地走在當時沒有外出工作的十二個哥哥和姐姐的后面。

Suddenly someone shouted , it 's two minutes past twelve ! the clock has stopped ! 忽然有人喊道:“現在十二點過二分了,鐘停啦!”

We were so sleepy afterwards that we lay in bed till almost twelve o'clock . 我們后來竟昏昏沉沉地躺在床上,差不多一直到十二點鐘。

For all the twelve movings, they had sojourned until now in a poor country . 盡管他們已經搬過十二次家,但總是停留在貧窮的鄉間。

“he was just twelve years and twenty days old, “said eliza over and over . “他只活了十二歲零二十天,”意萊莎左一遍又一遍地說。

She had twelve intimate and bosom friends out of the twenty-four young ladies . 二十四個同學里面,倒有十二個是她的心腹朋友。

Before twelve hours had passed a harvest atmosphere would be a bygone thing . 十二個小時之后,一片收獲的景象就會蕩然無存了。

The results converge reasonably well for the twelve degrees of freedom case . 對于十二個自由度的情形來說,結果收斂得相當好。

With this staff the computer would probably be working twelve hours per day . 按這個人員編制,計算機每天大概可工作12個小時。

But at last the twelve men who were to try clyde, sworn and seated . 不過,在最后,審問克萊德的那十二個人終于宣誓就位了。

On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit . 在河這邊與那邊有生命樹,結十二樣果子。

Business at the neptune had been very bad during the last twelve months . 在過去的一年里,內普丘恩的生意非常的不景氣。

I'd like to stick around for twelve months to help put this deal together . 讓我再管十二個月的事來幫助完成合并大業。

Twelve of our crew were dead by immoderate labour, and ill food . 我們船員中有十二個人因為操勞過度和飲食惡劣而死。

The clock roused her by calling her name softly twelve times . 時鐘輕輕地喚了她的名字十二下,把她給喚醒了。

At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous . 人體在十二歲時正處于精力最旺盛的時期。