
twaddle n.閑聊;無聊的廢話,講[寫]蠢話。 ignorant ...


For the rest of us , though , director garry marshall has managed to make his laverne shirley days seem positively shakespearean in comparison . the movie is precious , padded two hours ! , and pandering twaddle ; andrews , in her role as queen mother , is even shoehorned into a faux - hip - hop duet with disney channel favorite raven one of many , many grueling moments intended to sell the soundtrack 于是女王奶奶與公主只能開始相親大會,兩人經過一陣面試之后,終于為蜜亞找到身分地位相符的如意郎君,就在兩人互訂終身并且即將舉行婚禮的前兩天,蜜亞公主卻發現自己跟肖想她王位的尼可拉斯爵士有一點感覺。

All which details , i have no doubt , jones , who reads this book at his club , will pronounce to be excessively foolish , trivial , twaddling , and ultra - sentimental 瓊斯在他的俱樂部里看這本書看到這些細節,一定會罵它們瑣碎、無聊,全是廢話,而且異乎尋常的肉麻。

I like men , and men like me . but i can t stand the twaddling bossy impudence of the people who run this world 我喜歡男子們,而男子們也喜歡我,但是我就忍受不了那班經營這世界的人們的囈語和擺嗅架子的無恥。

All the critical twiddle - twaddle about style and form is mere impertinence and mostly dull jargon 所有這些有關文體和體裁的蠢話,只是風馬牛不相及的胡扯,多半是枯燥無味、玩弄述語的評論。

For such views or criticisms , which are not based on thorough investigation , are nothing but ignorant twaddle 因為這種議論或批評,沒有經過周密調查,不過是無知妄說。

The novel is sentimental twaddle 這部小說純粹是無病呻吟

They do nothing for it but talk a lot of twaddle two or three times a week . 他們什么也不干,只不過每星期講兩三次廢話。

This is all hopeless twaddle that i am saying about her . 我這樣說她,那是全無希望的拙劣廢話。