
tutelary adj.保護(人)的,監護(人)的。


The second part is the study of guardian on the base of the guardian study of model country the writer points out that people who don “ t have the tutelary ability can “ t serve as tutelary body , which is also the generally accepted rules of the word 第二部分為監護人的研究。文章在對世界上典型國家和地區監護人進行比較和分析的基礎上,指出無監護能力就不具有擔任監護人的資格,這也是世界各國的立法通例。

But , meanwhile , auditing is regarded as the inevitable production of commission agent relationship in the modern company , the external favorable controlling mechanism in the modern company and the tutelary of the securities market , whose validity is being queried 然而,同時,審計作為現代公司制下委托代理關系的必然產物,作為公司治理的外部控制機制,作為證券市場的守護神,其有效性卻在遭受質疑。

From the stipulation of the 《 general rule of civil law 》 , the writer analyses the tutelary institutional defects , and also points out four parts to set up guardian system 第四部分為監護責任制度的研究。作者從《民法通則》的具體規定人手分析了我國理論及實踐中存在的法律沖突及監護責任制度的缺陷。

She loved him so passionately , and he was so godlike in her eyes ; and being , though untrained , instinctively refined , her nature cried for his tutelary guidance 她愛他愛得這樣熱烈,在她的眼里,他就像天上的神一樣她雖然沒有經過教育培養,但是她卻天性敏慧,從本能上渴望得到他的呵護和指導。

In china , lion is a symbol of power , magnificent , and loyal guardian . stone lions outside temples are usually treated as a tutelary god 獅子,在中國人眼中是威武、雄壯的象徵,具有忠心守護的寓意。在寺廟的門口,常以石獅來做守護神。

Hanazono jinja is the grand tutelary shrine of shinjuku , the town that has been thriving for over 300 years developed as a station on the koshu - kaido route 甲州街道的宿場町,大約300多年前花園神社就作為繁榮新宿的保護神。

Nay , had the hussy s scouringbrush not been her tutelary angel it had gone with her as hard as with hagar , the egyptian 倘非該女仆以擦地所用之毛刷為護守天神,進行自衛,則必身遭不幸,有如埃及女夏甲201然!

The gloomy family of care and distrust shall be banished from our dwelling , guarded by the kind and tutelary deity 我們居住的地方不再有憂慮和不信任的陰影籠罩,只有仁慈的守護神保衛我們。

He has since been worshipped as the tutelary god of the chinese tea merchants 從那時起,陸羽被奉為中國茶商的守護神。