
turnup 1.〔口語〕突然出現的人;突發事件;騷動。2.斗毆;打架...


Our main products include a series of flexible door , automation door , armor door , turnup door , bulletproof door , etc . . we can provide different material to satisfy the different custom , such as : stainless door , glass door with or without frame , crystal door , titanium door and so on 公司主要產品有:不銹鋼伸縮門、鋁合金電動伸縮門、壓鑄型伸縮門、不銹鋼門花、不銹鋼門、裝甲門、電動門、卷簾門、車庫門、防彈水晶門、旋轉門、定做無框門、有框玻璃門、鈦金門,還承包加工防盜網、防盜窗、樓梯扶手、網架、等一系列產品。

Is a compact , battery operated handheld test tool used to turnup and troubleshoot vop service 是緊湊的使用電池的手持式測試工具,可接通