
turnkey (監獄的)看守。


Often supplied as turnkey equipment packages , systems can include heat recovery , gas preheating and downstream tail gas clean - up as required 經常提供交鑰匙的整套設備系統可以根據需要包括熱回收、氣體預熱和下游的尾氣凈化。

Alternative 1 - the government would grant pcg the development right to develop the cyberport project under a turnkey construction arrangement 替代方案1 -政府會向盈科批出發展權,由盈科根據全承包建筑安排發展數碼港計劃。

Recruit , train and manage a professional chinese team of engineers and sales managers to manage turnkey projects in china either vietnam 在中國和越南雇傭培訓并管理由工程師和銷售經理組成的團隊,由他們來管理交鑰匙工程

It s not a turnkey solution . it s a platform and a set of tools upon which other tools and applications can be built 它不是一個固定不變的解決方案;而是一個平臺和一組工具,您可以在此基礎上可以構建其他工具和應用程序。

Iga is pleased to offer full turnkey project proposals or individual elements of services , all depending upon your own circumstances 將很高興提交一份全盤的“交鑰匙”計劃書或者是根據您的需求指定有關項目的計劃書。

Shanghai turnkey can provide the blast protection system with explosion venting panel solution according to the jobsite ' s requirements 我司可以提供專業工程設計及施工,依建筑物性質量身訂制合理的防爆及泄爆方案。

They are a technology orientated company who work with partners , such as 3d laser mapping , to provide complete turnkey solutions 他們是一個以科技為主的公司,他們的工作伙伴,如三維激光測繪,提供全套的解決方案

The thermoelectric systems come as a turnkey solution including the heating / cooling stage , the temperature controller and the water circulator 熱電系統作為全套解決方案由冷熱臺、溫度控制器和水循環裝置組成。

Please keep trio in mind for any partial or complete turnkey system that you might have for a mine , quarry or sand and gravel operation 在礦山、采石場和砂石場項目運作時,記住trio公司的交鑰匙成套系統設備。

As part of its full turnkey project solution , yokogawa india is also providing engineering , installation , and commissioning services 作為其全套解決方案的一部分,橫河印度公司也提供工程、安裝以及調試服務。

A low - cost but comprehensice , design and build , turnkey project which turned a deserted seashore to a parking lot for 45 yachts 一個低成本但配套完善之設計連建造交鎖匙式合約,建造了45個游艇泊位。

We also can provide a complete turnkey design service or specialist support as part of a customer - led integrated development team 作為以客戶為主導的發展隊伍,我們還提供初始設計服務和專家服務。

We offer support via turnkey projects , participation in customer projects and / or delivering of specialists 我們的支持方式包括:交鑰匙工程、直接參與客戶的項目、為客戶提供專業技術人員。

He heard hasty steps , the creaking of a door , people going and coming , and some minutes afterwards a turnkey entered , saying , - 他聽到了匆忙的腳步聲,門的格格聲,人們的來來去去的走動聲。

Specializes in design , engineering and execution of turnkey projects in dairy , brewery , beverages and refrigeration plants -研發牛初乳的各種保健食品,主要產品乳之寶初乳凍干粉膠囊。

Do you require any demo / evaluation boards , reference designs , turnkey system solutions , or design services 希望獲得演示/評估板,參考設計, “交鑰匙“方案,或設計服務

We hereby send you the tender documents in hard copy for the above - mentioned turnkey contract 根據上面提及的合同,我們將投標文件以實物標書的形式遞交與您

Pass that torch slowly along these walls , that i may see them , said defarge to the turnkey “拿火炬慢慢照照這幾堵墻壁,我還要看一看, ”德伐日對看守說。

The turnkey obeyed , and the inspector gazed curiously into the chamber of the “ mad abb . 獄卒遵命打開了牢門,巡查員好奇地向“瘋神甫”的牢房里探視著。