
turmoil n.騷動,喧嚷,混亂。 His mind was in ...


There is trouble on the horizon and turmoil at hogwarts 數不清的麻煩潛伏在明日,霍格沃茨一片混亂。

You may be experiencing emotional turmoil in regard to your mate 可能會經歷關于的伴侶的情緒波動。

Lilly ' s remained the same , as she continues to cause turmoil , 莉莉還是老樣子,一如既往的制造麻煩

Camp was full of so much turmoil and uncertainty 答:訓練營的時候球隊充滿了許多流言和不確定。

What inner turmoil my following all these impulses led to 我的內心在這整個的推動下導致混亂!

Eighteen years of injustice and trauma and turmoil 18年的不公平待遇身體的創傷,和內心的傷痛

Seldom has east africa seen such turmoil 東非很少經受過如此動蕩。

The danger of minor accidents will increase with the turmoil 小事故的危險會隨著混亂產生。

New york - - now for the real team turmoil 本賽季目前真正混亂的球隊。

Soon turmoil will fall across the lands 很快混亂會從天而降遍及大地。

The danger of minor accidents will increase with the turmoil 小事故的危險只能增加混亂。

Sound fundamentals helped banks weather the turmoil 基礎條件良好令銀行安然渡過金融風暴

I couldn ' t think ; my mind was in a complete turmoil 我無法思考,我的腦子里一片混亂。

During this time there ' s been a lot of turmoil 在這次的時候有是許多騷動。

Billiards turmoil 4 games - 4455 miniclip games 臺球風暴4小游戲- 4399小游戲

Carcasses soul turmoil games - 4455 miniclip games 尸魂風暴小游戲- 4399小游戲

And my childhood was spent in turmoil of war 我的孩提時代是在戰亂中度過的。

Turmoil , tragedy , and brilliance swirled around him 混亂、悲劇和輝煌縈繞他一生。

I was exhausted by the turmoil of these events 由于受到這一切沖擊我已精疲力竭。