
turbulence n.1.(風等的)狂暴;激流(現象)。2.騷亂,動亂;強...


On social turbulence and superstition in chinese history 試論歷史上的社會動蕩與迷信

Why does the turbulence happen in - flight 飛機在空中飛行為什么會發生顛簸呢?

Initial study of a theoretical near - wall turbulence model 一種近壁理論湍流模型初探

Writer murugai of eight banners in the turbulence age 風云變幻時代的旗籍作家穆儒丐

Educational materials on windshear and turbulence 有關風切變及湍流的教育資源

Qing ' s social turbulence amp; amp; zhai - bao of hubei 社會動蕩與清代湖北鄉村中的寨堡

Method of atmospheric turbulence measurement by lidar 激光雷達大氣湍流測量方法研究

Recent advance in plasma turbulence theory research 等離子體湍流理論研究的最新進展

Turbulence is tough . you ' ll get the hang of it 因此氣流很強,你以后會熟悉的

We encountered severe turbulence at 11000m 我們在11000米高度上遇到嚴重顛簸。

Qing ' s social turbulence amp; zhai - bao of hubei 社會動蕩與清代湖北鄉村中的寨堡

Experimental research of scaling law in wall turbulence 壁湍流標度律的實驗研究

Atmospheric optical turbulence , model and measurement techniques 模式與測量技術

Request higher level due to cb and turbulence 請求上升高度層,因雷雨云和顛簸。

Rough air or turbulence bounces the aircraft causing image motion on the exposed film, thus reducing the final definition of the photographic images . 劇烈的氣流或湍流會使飛機發生顛簸,造成已曝光膠片上的影像移動,因此最終會降低照片的清晰度或分辨率。

Looking for small eddies in films may be fun, but scientists look to intermediate-sized eddies for a deeper understanding of turbulence . 在銀幕上搜索小旋渦是有趣的,但是科學家卻注意中間尺寸的漩渦,為的是更深入地了解湍流。

The nature of sand movement depends on the particle size, shape, and specific gravity in respect to the associated velocity and turbulence . 泥沙運動的性質取決于顆粒的大小、形狀和比重并與流速和紊動有關。

This turbulence caused the flow pattern in the tunnel to be similar to the flow pattern in free air at a higher reynolds number . 這種紊流使風洞內的流譜與在較高的雷諾數下自由氣流中的流譜相似。

The magnitude of the turbulence then follows directly from the observed line with if the nebular gas temperature is known . 如果已知星云氣體的溫度,則湍流的大小可直接從觀測的譜線寬度得出。