turbot n.(pl. turbots, 〔集合詞〕 turbot...
n. (pl. turbots, 〔集合詞〕 turbot ) 【動物;動物學】大菱鲆;鱗?。 “diamond turbot“ 中文翻譯: 菱形鰈“grilled turbot“ 中文翻譯: 鐵扒比目魚“horny turbot“ 中文翻譯: 木葉鰈“spotted turbot“ 中文翻譯: 斑鰈“turbot island“ 中文翻譯: 特伯特島“black sea turbot“ 中文翻譯: 黑海菱鲆“grilled turbot fish“ 中文翻譯: 鐵扒比目魚“turbot in chilli sauce“ 中文翻譯: 干燒比目魚“turbosupercharging“ 中文翻譯: 渦輪增壓“turbosupercharger matching test“ 中文翻譯: 渦輪增壓器匹配試驗“turbotrain“ 中文翻譯: n. 渦輪火車〔時速可達170英里〕 “turbosupercharger“ 中文翻譯: n. 【航空】渦輪增壓器。 “turbotrol“ 中文翻譯: 汽輪機控制“turbosuperchargedengine“ 中文翻譯: 渦輪增壓發動機“turbott“ 中文翻譯: 圖沃特“turbosupercharged engine“ 中文翻譯: 渦輪增壓發動機
turbotrain |
Canadian fresh , frozen and live seafood were featured during this promotion . products sold during the event included lobster , crab , geoduck , shishamo smelt , oyster , greenland halibut turbot , coldwater shrimp . the canadian trade office in taipei sponsored a series of cooking demonstrations in the stores during the promotion 其在加拿大的企業-參盟花旗參總匯sunmore healthtech ltd ,現在已是一個經過加拿大政府認證的食品gmp工廠,其在萃取人參中的有效成份,而制造出超過10種以上的人參副產品。 |
In shandong , where the annual turbot output is estimated at about 45 , 000 tons worth 3 billion yuan us 375 million , an official surnamed fu told china daily : “ we are tracing the source of the fish and will announce the result in a week . 比目魚又叫“多寶魚” ,由于肉質鮮嫩,清蒸多寶魚已成為賓館餐廳的一道名菜。但近期,有關部門發現問題多寶魚中含獸藥殘留孔雀石綠等違禁藥物。 |
Flatfish : demand for turbot is expected to remain stable at a weak level . therefore , no major price changes are foreseen . both farmed and wild turbot supplies are quite good 鰈魚:大菱的價格停留在低水平上,因此,目前估計價格上不會有較大的變化。無論是養殖的,還是野生的大菱? ,供給量都很高。 |
Hong kong blocked imports of turbot last year after inspectors found traces of malachite green , a possibly cancer - causing chemical used to treat fungal infections , in some fish 去年在一些魚中發現可致癌的孔雀石綠(用于某些魚類的真菌感染治療)以后,香港開始禁止進口多寶魚。 |
Flatfish : low sales for turbot during the past months have led to a price drop . moreover , substitute products are still showing lower prices when compared with turbot 鰈魚:大菱前幾個月交易量偏低,導致價格下降。而且,一些可替代產品在與大菱的競爭中又降低了價格。 |
Flatfish : farmed turbot demand is expected to be low during the whole month of january and after last month ' s drop , prices are expected to remain stable 鰈魚:養殖大菱的需求量在上個月開始下降后,這個月的需求量還是偏低,但價格有望保持穩定。 |
Protein digestive characteristics of juvenile turbot scophthalmus maximus l . and their effect on culturing water environment 大菱鲆幼魚蛋白質消化特征及其對水環境的影響 |
Formula feed for turbot 大菱鲆配合飼料 |
How ' s your turbot 你的大比目魚怎么樣? |
Turbot fish test results released 多寶魚化驗結果 |
- no record at all ? - look at that , the fish today is turbot -完全沒有記錄嗎? -看哪,今天的主菜是大比目魚 |
No record at all ? - look at that , the fish today is turbot 完全沒有記錄嗎? -看哪,今天的主菜是大比目魚 |
And some turbot that wasn ' t too fishy 還有不太腥的比目魚 |