
turbidite n.【地質學;地理學】濁積物,濁流巖。


Taowan conglomerate was formed with underwater seismism at early cambrian period and consists of shattering sedimentary rock , tsunami rock , seismic turbidite and seismic volcanic rock . the shattering sedimentary rock consists of folded rock , cracked rock and autobreccia . the seismic turbidite is located in the south of luonan ductile shear zone and is called the narrow taowan conglomerate . contrarily the broad taowan conglomerate consists of shattering sedimentary rock , tsunami rock located in the north of the zone . the seismic sequence of shattering sedimentary rock - tsunami rock - seismic turbidite - seismic volcanic rock - normal sedimentary rock was first found in luonan shanxi and is rare among the reported examples about it , so it is a good example and offers power evidences to study how the southern marginal basin of huabei plate transferred to qinling orogenic belt 震濁積巖分布于洛河韌性剪切構造帶之南,屬傳統“陶灣礫巖“范圍和涵義,即為狹義陶灣礫巖而廣義陶灣礫巖包括分布于洛河韌性剪切構造帶之北的震積巖海嘯巖及狹義陶灣礫巖。陜西洛南地區首次發現的震積巖海嘯巖震濁積巖震火山巖正常背景沉積地震沉積序列之完整在所報導古地震作用沉積序列當中實屬罕見,為華北地塊南緣造山過程及深入了解古地震作用提供了良好地段和有力證據。

Finally , this paper analyzed reservoir characteristic of turbidite lithologic reservoir and the control iactors of oil and gas enrichment and high production and figure out that the major factors of influence and control reservoir are pressure , temperature , microfacies types , sand thickness , the action of fault , and the non - uniform feature of reserve by anatomizing typical reservoir 最后,對濁積巖的儲層敏感性反應和濁積巖巖性油藏的成藏特點及其富集高產的控制因素進行了討論,認為砂體所處的壓力和溫度條件、沉積微相類型、砂層厚度、斷層的活動及儲層的非均質性等是其主要影響和控制因素。

From comprehensive analysis , the conclusion can be drawn that the favorable reservoir of the upper part of the forth member of shahejie formation of bonan sag is the outer fan sandbody of fan delta near the y159 of the eastern part of the sag , the middle fan and outer fan of y160 , midian fan and distal fan of proximal turbidite and slump turbidite 綜合分析認為,有利儲集相帶為洼陷東部深洼區附近的義159井區扇三角洲扇端砂體、義160井區扇三角洲的扇中及扇端砂體、近岸濁積扇及滑塌濁積扇的中扇及外扇砂體。

China is petroleum production country where the oil is mainly produced in continental hydrocarborn - bearing basin . it is special feature of contineutal oil - gas - bearing basin that sandstone lithologic reservoir with variety lithologic sandbody and vely enriching rolk oil hides extensively exsited . in the center region of continental lake basin sedmentary region , rf s very difficult to predict and descript turbidite reservoir because of the special subtle of turbidite sandbody . therefore studing the sediments character of turbidite reservoir and the description methord of turbidite reservoir has the important and realistic meaning for the explore and development of turbidite reservoir 中國是一個以陸相含油氣盆地為主的產油國,在陸相湖盆的沉積中心地區,廣泛存在著以各類濁積砂體為主要儲集體且儲量相當豐富的砂巖巖性油藏,構成陸相含油氣盆地的一大特色。由于濁積砂巖體的特殊隱蔽性,給濁積巖儲層預測和描述帶來了很大困難。因此,研究濁積巖儲層的沉積特征和濁積巖油藏的描述方法對于濁積巖油藏的勘探開發具有重要的現實意義。

China is a petrobleum - production country mainly possess terrestrial petroliferous basin , in the depocenter of the terrestrial petroliferous basin , the sandstone lithologic oil pools that the primary reservoirs are variouskinds of turbibite sand bodies and have large amount of reserves distribute widely , and this is a chief character of the terrestrial petroliferous basin . for the special concealment of the turbidite sand bodies , it is very difficult to predict and describe the tubidite reservoirs 中國是一個以陸相含油氣盆地為主的產油國,在陸相湖盆的沉積中心地區,廣泛存在著以各類濁積砂體為主要儲集體且儲量相當豐富的砂巖巖性油藏,構成陸相含油氣盆地的一大特色。由于濁積砂巖體的特殊隱蔽性,給濁積巖儲層預測和描述帶來了很大困難。

Through predicting and estimating the third member of shahejie formation , this paper pointed that the fan delta front of the top third member shahejie formation in oubei area is a good - quality reservior sand - body , which was proved by the practical production . the upper fan - delta and the lower turbidite - fan sand - body are also good - quality reserviors 研究證明,沙三中暗色泥巖是有利的烴源巖,該套泥巖分布范圍廣、厚度和理深較大,且有機質豐度高、類型好、演化程度高,為本區油氣供給提供了可靠的物質保障。

There were fan - delta , turbidite - fan , shallow - lake , shore - marsh , semideep - lake and volcano - debris facies . in the area of the well ou39 and ou44 , fan - deltas developed both in the middle and the top strata of the third member of the shahejie formation . the former lies in the north area of the well ou39 , belonging to the steep - slope style which was controled by inertia factor 在歐39 、歐44井區,沙三中和沙三上均發育扇三角洲沉積,前者具以慣性因素控制的陡坡型為特點,分布范圍相對較小,位于歐39井以北的地區;而后者以摩擦因素控制的緩坡型為特色,分布范圍廣;而沙三下在該區則發育了一套濁積扇體,這一規律正好體現了構造演化特點對沉積充填型式及相展布的控制作用。

Most of this area was shallow - lake , semi - deep lake and deep lake sedimentary environment , except that the area around the well ou44 was a set of steep - slope fan - delta and the dawan area was a set of small - scale fan - delta . there were fan - delta , turbidite - fan , shallow - lake , shore - marsh , semideep - lake and volcano - debris facies . in the area of the well ou39 and ou44 , fan - deltas developed both in the middle and the top strata of the third member of the shahejie formation 研究表明,粗面巖sio _ 2含量較高,流動性小,容易形成巨厚的巖鐘或巖錐,對成藏有利,同時其位于構造高部位,由于其大部在水面之上,冷卻時間長,易于從容結晶,同時還有大量裂縫作為儲集和滲濾的空間,使其成為良好的儲層。

Through predicting and estimating the third member of shahejie formation , this paper pointed that the fan delta front of the top third member shahejie formation in oubei area is a good - quality reservior sand - body , which was proved by the practical production . the upper fan - delta and the lower turbidite - fan sand - body are also good - quality reserviors 對沙三上、中、下的儲層進行了綜合預測和評價,指出在歐北地區沙三上的扇三角洲前緣為一套有利的儲集砂體,這一點已為實際生產所證實。

The main conclusions are as follows ; firstly , under the influence of three phases of episodic activities , three two - order sequences is composed of three depositional cycles and three regional unconformities ; secondly , under the control of structure activities such as fault - block activities and the influence of three - order climate cycles and source recharge , lower cretaceous can be divided into six three - order sequence ; thirdly , because fault activities is weak and fault slope is gently , fan deltas exist in steep slopes in early and later stages and subaqueous fans exist and turbidite fans exist in troughs in middle stage 主要的結論為:其一,受三期幕式活動影響,斷陷形成了3個大的沉積旋回和3個區域不整合面,構成了下白堊統3個二級層序;其二,受斷陷內翹傾和塊斷等構造活動的控制,以及三級氣候旋回和物源供給因素的影響,下白堊統劃分出6個三級層序;其三,在單斷斷陷湖盆中,湖泊階段的早、晚期由于凹陷邊界斷層活動較弱,斷面較緩,陡坡可以發育扇三角洲,在湖泊階段的中期主要為水下扇砂礫巖體,并在洼槽區發育濁積扇。

( 2 ) this paper has firstly identified these genetic units on shore beach - shore face , longshore zone , longshore sands , erosional channel , leveed channel , turbidite lobes , turbidite sheet , slump , debris flow , density - modified grain flow etc ; at the same time , and points out that the lake of cretaceous is open - type fresh water lake ( 2 )首次系統確定濱灘-濱面、沿岸帶、沿岸沙壩、侵蝕水道、有堤水道、濁積葉狀體、席狀濁積、滑塌體、碎屑流、密度改正顆粒流等成因單元。同時指出白堊紀湖泊為開放型淡水湖。

The lithological traps related to jishan delta ? turbidite fan depositional system inherently developed during the base level falling period of c3 cycle and the base level rising period ; the lithological traps related to the underwater fan depositional system near xiakou fault developed during c2 cycle ; the lithological traps related to qudi fan delta developed during the base level falling period of c2 cycle ; and there are a few lithological traps related to shangfeng delta . these predicted traps are mainly distributed in the deeply low - lying areas 在沉積體系、沉積相研究的基礎上,對臨南洼陷沙三段巖性圈閉分布作出了預測,指出了各旋回基準面下降期是尋找巖性圈閉的有利層序地層位置, (扇)三角洲前緣滑塌作用或快速充填作用形成的濁積扇或滑塌作用形成的濁積巖體是巖性圈閉形成的主要場所。

Lowstand fans and lowstand wedges formed in lowstand system tracts of sq5 and sq6 ( that is damoguaihe formation ) and deep water turbidite fans deposed in late trangrassive system tract and early highstand system tract are the major reservoir with good physical characteristics 層序5和層序6 (相當于大磨拐河組下段)低水位體系域沉積的低水位楔和低水位扇及水進晚期、高水位早期出現的深水濁積扇具有良好的儲集物性,也是主要的儲集層。

This study has formed a fine descriptive method about the turbidite sandstone body , much improved the ration descriptions of the sandstone body , and acquired distinct effects and benefits in the progressive exploration and development of the turbidite oil reservoirs in research area 研究形成了濁積砂體的精細描述方法,使砂體定量描述有較大改進,在研究區濁積巖油藏滾動勘探開發實踐中取得了顯著效果和效益。

Ostracoda , and so on . in the deep lake facies of niujuanhu and mazhong structural belts , there were also discovered gravity - flow microfacies , which was mainly composed of turbidite in which the slump structure and convolute bedding were often found 馬朗凹陷牛圈湖構造帶、馬中構造帶的半深湖相中,發育湖泊重力流微相,典型的表現為濁積巖的發育,其中可見到重力滑塌構造及包卷層理等。

According to the cores and seismic data , the most important facies is fan - delta in this area , mainly developing in the top member and the bottom member developing turbidite - fan . major faults “ moving intensively led to deep strata sinking 根據巖芯、地震資料可知該時期在工區內最重要的沉積相為扇三角洲沉積體系,主要發育在上部,而下部根據地震相分析則發育濁積扇沉積體系。

According to the difference of the genetic mechanism , it is further divided into the slump turbidite fan and the deep - water turbidite fan for they have some differentces in seismic profile , depositional character and space distribution 根據其成因機制上的差異,又可進一步分為滑塌濁積扇和深水濁積扇等兩種沉積類型,二者在地震反射特征、沉積特征及空間展布上均有一定的差別。

The distribution of depositional facies in bonan sag is very complex , which include five depositional systems , such as salt lake of deep water , transgressive fan delta , proximal turbidite fan , slump turbidite fan , distal turbidite fan 洼陷內的沉積相帶展布比較復雜,發育有深水鹽湖、水進型扇三角洲、近岸濁積扇、滑塌濁積扇及帶供給水道的遠岸濁積扇等5種沉積體系。

So , the study of the depositional character of the turbidites and the descriptive methods of the turbidite oil reservoirs has important real - life signifcance in the exploration development of the trubidite oil reserviors 因此,研究濁積巖儲層的沉積特征和濁積巖油藏的描述方法對于濁積巖油藏的勘探開發具有重要的現實意義。