
tunisian n.,adj.突尼斯人[的]。


Zimbabwe won the shield with the last play of the game when gerald sibanda ' s brilliant step left the tunisian defence flat - footed to go under the posts for his second try of the final and one that clinched a 22 - 19 victory 當杰拉爾德?西班達的燦爛的步驟讓突尼斯的防衛扁平足為敲彎一個22 - 19勝利的決賽和決賽的他的第二次嘗試在柱子下面去時,津巴布韋與比賽的最后戲贏得了盾。

Rommel , who had lost the favor of hitler after tunisian campaign and had been demoted to a post in northern italy for some time , was now recalled to an important position , the commander of army group b in the western front 隆美爾將軍在突尼斯戰役后,曾經一度失去希特勒的寵愛,被降職到意大利的北部,此刻他又被重新啟用,調到諾曼底擔任一個重要職務:西線的b集團軍司令。

05 belly dancer the little town of schweinfurt has embraced the tournament with some vigour and few teams in germany have been made to feel more at home than the tunisians , led by charismatic french coach roger lemerre 由于小城施韋恩富特對本屆杯賽給予了極大的熱情和活力,由法國神奇教練羅歇?勒梅爾帶領的突尼斯隊,更加適應這里的環境和氛圍,感覺像在他們的家鄉一般。

23 match action their opening match against saudi arabia proved a topsy - turvey affair ? one nil up , became two one down and the tunisians faced defeat against what looked the weakest team in the group 首場與沙特隊的比賽是曲折的,突尼斯隊先領先一球,結果反以1比2落后于對手,面對小組中失利最弱的球隊,他們差一點輸掉比賽。

Rommel drove the americans back on what would be the defining moment for the american ground soldier against the germans ’ kasserine pass , in the tunisian dorsal mountains 隆美爾將美軍一直擊退到了突尼斯多舍爾山脈的凱瑟琳山口,對于與德國人作戰的美軍地面部隊來說這個山口具有重大的歷史意義。

When tunisian goalkeeper ali boumnijel made his international debut in 1991 , the youngest player at this world cup , england ' s theo walcott , was just two years old 1991年突尼斯守門員阿里?博姆尼杰爾首次亮相世界杯時,本屆世界杯最年輕球員?星特奧?沃爾科特年僅2歲。

38 spain 2nd goal the bookmakers were able to breathe more easily , come the last 20 minutes . after an hour ' s stout resistance , the tunisians eventually succumbed 在最后的20分鐘,編輯們長出一口氣。一個小時的頑強抵抗,突尼斯隊最終還是敗下陣來。

23 tunisian goal v spain on their travels to stuttgart on monday , the africans raised a few eyebrows by taking a surprise early lead against the much - fancied spanish 周一在斯圖加特對陣呼聲很高的西班牙,非洲人在開始階段取得的領先讓對手皺眉。

Unlike mr butcher , who set them such a fine example by head - butting tunisians on the field while playing for england 這倒不像布切爾先生,他在代表英格蘭隊踢球時在場上用頭撞擊突尼斯隊隊員,從而給別人樹立了多么好的榜樣!

Unlike mr butcher , who set them such a fine example by head - butting tunisians on the field while playing for england 于是乎英國的媒體決定重演福克蘭戰爭的輝煌,隨之阿根廷隊的隊長迪耶果?馬拉多納成了頭版頭條的主角。

16 after sot from the start , the tunisian campaign has been plagued by injuries , especially to their leading striker , francileudo dos santos 從一開始,突尼斯隊就被傷病困擾著,特別是他們的首席前鋒多斯桑托斯。

During the algerian confusion , some tunisian soldiers were preparing to shoot their prisoners ( “ what a story “ ) 在阿爾及利亞的暴亂時期,有些突尼斯士兵準備要槍決他們的囚犯( “又是條新聞” ) 。

46 after sot wherever the tunisian team go , hosni follows 不論突尼斯隊去哪里,馬諾比一直追隨其后。

He used to give curious concerts in which mad gypsies tore wild music from little zithers, or grave, yellow-shawled tunisians plucked at the strained strings of monstrous lutes . 他經常舉行古怪的音樂會,讓一些瘋狂的吉卜賽人在小箏上演奏粗獷的音樂,或是讓一些面容莊嚴,戴黃頭巾的突尼斯人撥弄繃緊的琵琶弦。

If the tunisian affair goes really sour, it might just start a new military revolt . 如果突尼斯的情況真的很糟,可能引起新的軍事叛變。

The outcome of the tunisian compaign was of course eminently satisfactory . 突尼西亞戰役之結束是非常滿意的。

Winter cold was already descending upon tunisian highlands . 冬季的嚴寒已降臨突尼西亞高地。