
tunis n.突尼斯〔突尼斯首都〕。


“ it seems the fellow had been caught wandering nearer to the harem of the bey of tunis than etiquette permits to one of his color , and he was condemned by the bey to have his tongue cut out , and his hand and head cut off ; the tongue the first day , the hand the second , and the head the third 說來很簡單, ”主人回答說, “這個家伙好象是因為在突尼斯王的后宮附近游蕩時被捉住的,按法律是這種地方不許黑人去的,國王就判了他的罪,要割掉他的舌頭,第二天要砍斷他的手,第三天砍下他的頭。

January 1 with the approval of the ministry of finance and ministry of education , the levels of sponsorships under sssap for the following 16 asian and african countries were raised : tunis , egypt , mongolia , pakistan , thailand , laos , nepal , jordan , sri lanka , bangladesh , viet nam , india , burma , israel , morocco , and the philippines 1月1日經財政部教育部批準,提高了赴突尼斯埃及蒙古巴基斯坦泰國老撾尼泊爾約旦斯里蘭卡孟加拉越南印度緬甸以色列摩洛哥菲律賓等亞非16國的國家公派留學人員的獎學金標準。

In all probability , therefore , the transteverin was no other than the bandit luigi vampa himself , and the man shrouded in the mantle the same he had known as “ sinbad the sailor , “ but who , no doubt , was still pursuing his philanthropic expedition in rome , as he had already done at porto - vecchio and tunis 所以,那個勒司斐人多半就是大盜羅吉萬帕,而那個穿披風的人則多半就是“水手辛巴德” 。毫無疑問他還在羅馬進行著他的博愛事業,象他以前在韋基奧港和突尼斯一樣。

The very name assumed by his host of monte cristo and again repeated by the landlord of the h ? tel de londres , abundantly proved to him that his island friend was playing his philanthropic part on the shores of piombino , civita - vecchio , ostia , and gaeta , as on those of corsica , tuscany , and spain ; and further , franz bethought him of having heard his singular entertainer speak both of tunis and palermo , proving thereby how largely his circle of acquaintances extended 倫敦旅館的老板也曾提到基督山他那位東道主的化名,他覺得單是這一個名字就足以證明他那位島上的朋友的博愛行為不但遍及科西嘉,托斯卡納和西班牙沿岸,而且還同樣的遍及皮昂比諾,契維塔韋基亞,奧斯尼斯和巴勒莫,這可以證明他的交游范圍是多么的廣大。

But when i added to the gun an english cutlass with which i had shivered his highness s yataghan to pieces , the bey yielded , and agreed to forgive the hand and head , but on condition that the poor fellow never again set foot in tunis 但我還有一把英國彎刀,這把彎刀可以把國王的土耳其劍切得粉碎,當我在長槍以外又加上這把英國彎刀時,國王就讓步了,同意饒了他的手和腦袋,只是有一個條件,不許他的腳再踏上突尼斯。

These baskets contained four pyramids of most splendid fruit ; there were sicily pine - apples , pomegranates from malaga , oranges from the balearic isles , peaches from france , and dates from tunis 這些籃子里盛著四堆象金字塔似的珍果,有西西里的鳳梨,馬拉加的石榴,巴里立克島的子,法國的水蜜桃和突尼斯的棗。

Now i can promise you , that a frenchman might show himself in public , either in tunis , constantinople , bagdad , or cairo , without being treated in that way . 我向您保證,一個法國人不論到突尼斯君士坦丁堡巴格達或開羅去,他盡可以在公眾場所露面,而他的周圍決不會有人圍觀的。 ”

In 1985 , israel sent fighter planes to kill arafat . the wild bombing destroyed his old headquarters in tunis but arafat himself was unhurt 1985年以色列曾派戰斗機襲擊阿拉法特。狂轟亂炸雖然毀掉了他在突尼斯的舊總部,他本人卻仍然毫發無傷。

I do not have the cost of the accessories , to see picture of the accessories yellow colour . the port the close relation is rades tunis / tunisie 發給他的郵件,有附件價格表,但是我根本就沒有放圖片啊.他說他看到的是黃色?或者是他需要圖片

It ' s very cheap staying in tunis ; for a small consideration you can hire a guide for half a day , and he ' ll show you round the whole of carthage 在突尼斯逗留很合算,出很小一筆費用你就可雇半天導游,他會陪著你參觀整個迦太基。

Despite the transfer of the political capital to tunis in the 12th century , kairouan remained the maghreb ' s principal holy city 公元12世紀凱魯萬成為突尼斯的政治首府但仍是馬格里布地區首屈一指的圣城。

55 after sot for a while , one corner of germany has been turned into little tunis , and this red snapper has it all on film 一時間,德國的一角已經成為小突尼斯,狂熱的球迷馬諾比已經把這些全拍了下來。

Arafat and his men had to be rescued by the americans and escorted to exile in faraway tunis 阿拉法特及其下屬在迫不得已情況下靠美國的救援才幸免于難,并且是在美國的護衛下才得以遠渡突尼斯流亡。

Arafat and his men had to be rescued by the americans and escorted to exile in faraway tunis 阿拉法特和他的人民不得不接受美國的援救,在其護送下流亡遙遠的突尼斯。

Sub - regional office for north africa ( snea ) located in tunisia , tunis 駐突尼斯國的突尼斯的北非分區域辦事處( snea )

The viscount alexander of tunis 哈羅德亞歷山大

Tonight spain will beat tunis 今晚西班牙將打敗突尼斯

The medjerdah cap - bon canal tunis 麥熱爾德-崩角水渠突尼斯

The journey to tunis in 1914 virtually opened his eyes 1914年的突尼斯之旅使克里大開眼界。