
tundra n.【地質學;地理學】苔原,凍原,凍土帶,寒漠。


As a special group of ewenki ethnic minority , with a population of 232 , they speak olguya dialect , a branch of manchu tungus language family . according to the historical documents , as early as back in 2000 bc , their ancestors already lived in wender forest tundra , over of nibuchu river , north - east part of out baigal lake and baigal lake from 16th century to the mid - 17 century , following wild deer , they came to the area near weile river , branch of lena river and weitmu , north - west of baigal lake . during 18th century , along silik river , this group of people reached big sin ' an mountain . the rich natural resources there became the sources of their livelihood 馴鹿鄂溫克人是指居住在內蒙古自治區呼倫貝爾市所轄根河市敖魯古雅鄂溫克民族鄉的鄂溫克人,史稱“使鹿部” ,使用的語言是滿?通古斯語族鄂溫克語敖魯古雅方言,人口在2001年鄉統計為232人,是我國鄂溫克族中的獨特群體。據史書記載,馴鹿鄂溫克人的祖先在公元前2000年就居住在外貝加爾湖和貝加爾湖東北部尼布楚河上游的溫多山林苔原高地。到了16世紀至17世紀中葉,他們追隨野生馴鹿至貝加爾湖西北列拿河支流威呂河和維提姆河一帶。

But as the tundra becomes shrubbier and as the soil becomes drier in the summer as a result of higher temperatures , the balance could swing back the other way , because plants , particularly woody ones , will fix more carbon and lock it back into the arctic ecosystem 但當苔原長了小樹,土壤也因為夏季較高的溫度而變得乾燥時,平衡可能蕩向另一個方向,因為植物(尤其是木本植物)會固定更多的碳,將其鎖回北極生態系里。

In the northernmost parts of the country winter is a seemingly endless night and in the summer the sun barely touches the tilt and turn window again to cast its rays over seas , titleist scotty cameron studio style newport putter and the far northern tundra 在該國最北部的地區,冬季就是看似沒有盡頭的夜晚,而在《色,戒》電影色戒,太陽剛剛落到地平線的位置后,就會再次升起,照耀著大海、群山和遙遠的北部苔原。

Vast stores of carbon in the form of peat underlie much of the tundra in alaska and russia , evidence that for long periods arctic tundra has been a net carbon sink ; about 600 cubic miles of peat are currently in cold storage 碳以泥煤的形式大量儲存在阿拉斯加與俄羅斯大部份的苔原底下,長期以來北極苔原一直都是碳的儲存槽,現在約有2500立方公里的泥煤冷藏于此。

In the northernmost parts of the country winter is a seemingly endless night and in the summer the sun barely touches the horizon before rising again to cast its rays over seas , mountains and the far northern tundra 在該國最北部的地區,冬季就是看似沒有盡頭的夜晚,而在夏天,太陽剛剛落到地平線的位置后,就會再次升起,照耀著大海、群山和遙遠的北部苔原。

The process of gathering fossil fuels and other natural resources can be devastating to the sensitive wildlands ( such as the tropical rainforests , the arctic tundra , and coastal marshes ) from which they come 采集石油和其他一些自然資源的過程會對這些資源所來自的脆弱的自然生態環境(如熱帶雨林,北極苔原和沿海的沼澤濕地)帶來毀滅性的影響。

From the arctic tundra to the pacific waters , from the exotic jungles to the mystic mountains , ocean park s wild guests will show you the wonders of nature and the importance of conservation 世界各地難得一見的珍貴動物,將云集海洋公園與大家見面!來自北極冰天雪地南美熱帶森林以至太平洋海岸的動物,保證為您帶來新鮮刺激的生態體驗。

If you go to the other side , to the borean tundra , the alliance comes into a giant alliance stronghold , with a brand new leader that we ' re building up - and a massive alliance steam ship 如果你選擇了大陸的另一邊? ?北風苔原,那么聯盟玩家將到達一個巨大的聯盟要塞? ?由一個我們正在設計的全新聯盟領袖統管? ?以及一艘龐大的聯盟蒸汽船。

The spilled oil spread over 1 . 9 acres of snow - covered tundra and the environmental impact remains unknown , according to leslie pearson , on - scene coordinator for the department of environmental conservation 該部門事故現場協調員萊絲莉皮爾森說,泄漏的石油污染了1 . 9英畝白雪皚皚的苔原地帶,對環境造成的影響尚不得而知。

As the lakes and ponds freeze over , a thin mantle of snow covers the sedge . occasionally a young and inquisitive arctic fox may be seen loping across the tundra . the weasel and the lemming begin to change color 隨著湖泊水塘全部冰封,蓑衣草披上了薄薄的一層雪衣,也許偶而能見到一只好奇的北極幼狐慢跑著越過苔原。

Because of regional underground water level continual dropping and climate changing to aridity , land desertifacation and degeneration of glassland and tundra will tend to worse in short period 由于區域地下水位的持續下降和氣候向干旱化發展,土地沙化、草場退化及多年凍土退化短期內將趨于惡化。

The spilled oil spread over 1 . 9 acres of snow - covered tundra and the environmental impact remains unknown according to leslie pearson on - scene coordinator for the department of environmental conservation 皮爾森說,泄漏的石油污染了1 . 9英畝白雪皚皚的苔原地帶,對環境造成的影響尚不得而知。

The tundra in hardangervidda is home to europe ' s last remaining wild reindeer and if you are lucky enough you might get to see this fascinating and shy animal 哈當厄高原的苔原是歐洲僅存的野生馴鹿棲息地,如果你足夠幸運的話,你可能就會看到這種迷人的、害羞的動物。

Based on warming experiments using greenhouses , biologists have known for some time that shrubs will grow at the expense of the other tundra plants when the climate warms 透過在溫室進行的暖化實驗,生物學家已經知道:當氣候溫暖,灌木會在苔原植物受損時取而代之。

From a tundra of sheets poked the beards of turcoman farmers , and the weathered heads of soldiers resting on their caps 所有被單仿佛就是一片苔原,土庫曼農民把他們的胡子露在了被單外面,而枕著帽子的士兵則把他們那飽受風霜之苦的腦袋露了出來。

By the end of september or early october the tundra is dark and seems deserted ; winter has taken hold of the arctic for another nine long months 9月底或10月初,苔原是黑暗的,似乎是一片荒蕪;冬天在長達9個月的時光中又主宰了北極。

From the arctic tundra to the pacific waters , from the exotic jungles to the mystic mountains , ocean park s wild guests will show you the 來自北極冰天雪地南美熱帶森林以至太平洋海岸的動物,保證為您帶來新鮮刺激的生態體驗。

One of the best ways to experience tundra life is to accompany sami reindeer herders on their annual spring migration 要體驗苔原生態的最好方式之一就是跟隨薩米族馴鹿放牧人一起踏上其一年一度的春季遷徙之旅。

It is found particularly in pioneer weed species and in ecosystems such as the tundra , where insect vectors are rare 研究發現這種現象主要存在于某些先鋒植物物種和苔原生態系統中,因為那里傳粉的昆蟲很少。