
tumultuous adj.吵鬧的,喧囂的;動亂的,紛亂的;激動的。 a r...


And while watching it , you will understand why , as your utter immersion into their lives become complete , and each minutiae of change denotes the gravitas within the philippines own tumultuous history 主角小雷給母親從垃圾堆撿回來,從此住進三代同堂務農的家,馬可斯的暴政、游擊隊的侵擾、日益猖獗的罪案接踵而來,人倫關系亦漸改寫。

The precious metal has been at 25 - year highs recently , but according to one chinese astrologer , the year of the dog could herald tumultuous times for commodities such as gold , and the stock market in general 最近貴金屬的價格已經創25年來的新高,但根據中國屬相學的理論,狗年預示著象黃金等商品和股票市場動蕩不安。

Despite no longer being queen of naboo , senator padm amidala was still tended to by a loyal cadre of handmaidens that served as bodyguards and decoys during the galaxy ' s tumultuous times of uncertainty 盡管已不再是納布的女王,帕德美阿米達拉參議員仍然傾向于在銀河系的混亂時刻使用一隊皇家侍女作為保鏢和替身。

After a tumultuous week of clashing over the essence of the cosmos , the international astronomical union stripped pluto of the planetary status it has held since its discovery in 1930 經過一周關于什么是宇宙本質的爭論,國際天文協會取消了冥王星的行星身份,冥王星的行星身份早在20世紀30年代被發現的時候就已確立。

By learning to prepare for pregnancy rather than compete for the outcome , integratie physicians beliee that many women can aoid the tumultuous path of infertility treatments and constant anxiety 通過學習為懷孕作準備勝于為懷孕的結果本身而努力,全科醫生相信,許多女性都可以避免紛亂的不育治療道路和持久的焦慮。

Slowly , but with no doubt or hesitation whatever , and in something of a solemn expectancy , the two animals passed through the broken tumultuous water and moored their boat at the flowery margin of the island 兩只動物懷著某種莊嚴的期待,毫不遲疑地把船劃過那喧囂動蕩的水面,停舶在小島鮮花似錦的岸邊。

Master likes to work at night when all is still and the tumultuous daytime atmosphere has calmed down . when everyone else is in dreamland , the saint continues another stage of her work 師父喜愛在晚上工作,一入夜,萬籟俱寂,大氣中紛擾的氣氛漸漸濾靜,當眾人進入夢鄉時,圣人的另一波工作才正在進行。

After a tumultuous week of clashing over the essence of the cosmos , the international astronomical union stripped pluto of the planetary status it has held since its discovery in 1930 經過一周關于宇宙本質紛亂的討論之后,國際天文學會剝奪了冥王星行星的地位,這個地位自1930年發現冥王星時起被認定。

O ' donnell , who brought ratings and controversy during her tumultuous tenure on abc ' s “ the view , “ made the list of newsmakers , as did hollywood supercouple brad pitt and angelina jolie 奧唐納登上“新聞人物”類排行榜,她在擔任abc觀點節目主持人期間提高了節目的收視率,但也引發了不少爭議。

The effect upon her old lover was electric , far stronger than the effect of his presence upon her . his fire , the tumultuous ring of his eloquence , seemed to go out of him 這在她那位過去的情人身上產生的影響就像是觸電一樣,她的出現對他產生的影響遠比他的出現對她產生的影響大得多。

After a tumultuous week of clashing over the essence of the cosmos , the international astronomical union stripped pluto of the planetary status it has held since its discovery in 1930 在喧囂地爭論了宇宙本質一周后,國際天文學聯合會剝奪了冥王星自從1930年被發現后就有的行星地位。

The passing of old saints , especially those who endured the tumultuous time of the last century means there is a new generation who grew us with little memory of the suffering of the churches 隨著挺過教會動蕩時期的老信徒逐漸逝去,年輕一代對教會曾經歷的苦難記憶也日益模糊。

After a tumultuous week of clashing over the essence of the cosmos , the international astronomical union stripped pluto of the planetary status it has held since its discovery in 1930 經過一周對宇宙本質混亂的沖突后,國際天文聯合會剝除冥王星自一九三0年發現以來的行星地位。

At the same time , we recognize that tumultuous economic changes during the past few years have forced organizations to adopt tighter budgets and stringent guidelines for it projects 同時,我們意識到過去幾年中,喧囂的經濟變化迫使組織采取緊縮的預算和指導方針來處理it項目。

An adequate analysis of the text presupposes that we cautiously differentiate and detach the ironic voice of the narrator from the tumultuous voices reflecting or centering around the notion of “ progress “ 我們必須小心翼翼地把敘述者的聲音從那些嘈雜混亂的聲音中剝離出來。

Only a handful of spiritual practitioners live freely and at ease in this world . practicing the quan yin method is the only way to transcend the chaotic and tumultuous worldly atmosphere 如果你想突破這種很混淆的氣氛,突破這世界不安穩的氣氛,只有修觀音法門而已。

China ‘ s development has had a tumultuous history . now is the time for a fair and sustainable model of growth . but how to achieve this 中國已經取得了舉世矚目的發展,但也因此付出了巨大的代價。這個國家已到需實施公平和持續發展的時候了。可是如何才能實現呢?

Just as the extensive reforms initiated by maclntosh were paying obvious dividends , tumultuous events in china swept hong kong once more into its turbulent wake 正當麥景陶策劃的長遠改革成效日顯之際,中國國內的動蕩卻再次將香港卷入漩渦之中。

Aouda , leaning upon mr fogg s arm , observed the tumultuous scene with surprise , while fix asked a man near him what the cause of it all was 費克斯預備向他旁邊站著的人打聽一下為什么群眾情緒會這樣激動。正在這時候,忽然間來了一陣更劇烈的騷動。