
tumble vi.1.跌倒,摔倒;倒塌;滾下。2.打滾,翻滾。3.翻...

tumble bug

That old building could tumble down at any time 那座古老的樓房隨時可能倒塌。

Sunward i ve climbed , and joined the tumbling mirth 我迎向太陽,分享云彩的歡樂

I could just see her face and her tumbled hair 我只能看見她的臉和蓬亂的頭發。

He led an adventuresome , rough - and - tumble life (他過著充滿冒險、混亂的生活。 )

Tom tumbled over and hit his head on the concrete (湯姆摔倒,頭撞到水泥地。 )

The largest decline is seen in the arab republics, whose import total has tumbled from 409, 400 tones last season to a meagre 64, 600 this year . 進口量下降最多的是阿拉伯各共和國,這些國家的進口總量已從上一年度的四十萬零九千四百噸跌落到本年度六萬四千六百噸這個微小數目。

But the vivid image of granny's old, white, wrinkled, grim face, framed by a halo of tumbling black hair, lying upon a huge feather pillow, made me afraid . 可是姥姥那張蒼白、布滿了縐紋、死板板的臉,她那四周耷拉著的黑發,枕在一個絨芯大枕頭上的頭,那個活生生的形象使我一想就怕。

The old emotions came tumbling back, she thought of gerald's green eyes, and of his boyish lips, and she felt sick with love . 舊情的浪潮洶涌而來,她想起了杰拉爾德的綠眼睛,想起了他那稚嫩的嘴唇,她產生了愛的渴望。

A deep peal of thunder went rolling and tumbling down the heavens and lost itself in sullen rumblings in the distance . 一陣深沉的雷聲轟隆轟隆地在天上一路響過去,漸漸在遠處成了郁悶的響聲,終于聽不見了。

He ran to the bulwarks as soon as the wave was passed, saw me, and lost me, and saw me again, as i tumbled in the roost . 浪頭一過,他馬上奔到船上,看見我在洶涌澎湃的巨浪中掙扎,一會兒沉下,一會兒浮起。

Golz knew that once they had passed overhead and on, the bombs would fall, looking like porpoises in the air as they tumbled . 戈爾茲知道,一旦飛機在上空飛過去了,炸彈就會像翻騰的海豚那樣從空中落下來。

To be sure, nobody survives in the rough and tumble of white house politics without a good measure of ruthlessness . 確實,沒有一套殘酷手腕,誰也不能幸免于白宮里雜亂無章、互相傾軋的政治斗爭。

Since coming to your country, the sole piece of fortune i have had was to tumble on a man like you . 自從來到貴國以后,我所有的、唯一的一點兒時運,就是無意中碰到了你這樣的人。

I discovered that a lot of imported drainage pipes for the settlement had been tumbled in there . 我看見大量的從外地運來供居民點使用的排水管道,橫七豎八的扔在那里。

We seem to have tumbled into the clover. i hope that you have made the most of your opportunities . 我們真是一跤跌進安樂窩了!但愿您盡量利用這個機會。

Bacon tumbled over the laundress's buckets in the passage through which he had to pass . 洗衣婦的水桶擋住了培根的必經之路,使他差一點絆倒。

At first sight, the land west of the rockies appears to be tumble masses of mountains . 乍看之下,落磯山脈以西的地方似乎是山套山,嶺連嶺。

His hands caressed her tumbled hair gently, soothingly, and his voice was gentle too . 他的手溫和地撫慰著她弄亂的頭發,他的聲音也很溫和。

“after such a fall as this, i shall think nothing of tumbling downstairs! “ “摔過這么一大跤,以后要是從樓梯上滾下去,就算不了什么啦!”