
tu 短語和例子TU =1.trade union 工會。2....

tu quoque

Tu nationality ' s embroidery culture 漫話土族的刺繡文化

Studies on the popular legendry of the tu origin in sanchuan of minghe county 民和三川地區土族來源之傳說

Just take your shirt off , will you ? i want tu listen tu your heart 把襯衫脫掉,好嗎?我要聽聽你的心臟。

Hsiao - tu russian box introduction 小兔俄羅斯方塊游戲攻略

Hamburg goethe - institut northern institute of technology tu hamburg - harburg 北方理工學院漢堡理工大學

The social background of tu people ' s folk music in qinghai 從民俗看青海土族民間音樂賴以生存的社會土壤

Thanksgiving day drips of tu , does yongquan phase when i reported 感恩節滴水之恩,來日我當涌泉相報。

The new road is aimed at easing jams at the tu el entrance 新路用來改善海隊入口一帶道路的擠塞情況。

Li po and tu fu were contemporary 李白和杜甫是同時代的人。

Standard twin room tu kang hongyuyuan hotel , pingyao reservation 標準雙人房土炕,平遙鴻裕源客棧預訂

Un tu macau sat ip dvlpmt gen company 豐盛地產置業貿易公司

Western zhou inscription on bronze tu tian 西周金文中的土與田

Director : mr . simon tu hong kong side 董事:杜式文先生(香? )

Tu weiming ' s understanding of intellectual 杜維明的知識分子觀

Dr tu jow ching edward , hong kong university of science and technology 涂肇慶博士(香港科技大學)

Exploration of ancient environment of tu fu ' s former residence in chengdu 成都杜甫草堂古環境探微

Tiny but profound things analysis on swallows ' imago in tu fu ' s poetry 解析杜甫詩歌中的燕子意象

Dr tu jow ching edward , hong kong university of science and technology 涂肇慶博士香港科技大學

Some issues on study of the tu history 關于土族史研究中的若干問題